I need to walk with you......
	on an endless beach.....
	holding hands...
	an occasional splash....
	of the surf, upon us.

I need to build a castle....
	in the sand.....
	and dream with you....
	of things to come.

I need to feel your arms around me
	our lips....passionately embraced
	our bodies close.....quivering....
	at the thought of what is to come.

I need to feel you close.....
	holding me.......
	touching me......
	embracing me......
	with all the love
	that is felt.....so deeply, within.

I need to laugh with you....
	and see your smiling face.....
To grow with you and......
	share all that life.... 
	and love has to offer.


I don't know why........
	perhaps it is your being away.....
	but it is a time for reflection.....

I thought we were making.....
	great strides.....
	yet, you called me....
	a stranger.

I cry the tears of ......
	not of a stranger......
	but those of a friend......
	a confidant.......
	a lover.....

I have tried to meet you.....
	but for reasons.....
	I know not.....
	you have discouraged this.

Perhaps to give up what......
	is familiar....
	for what is unknown.....
	too great a price.

For there is a great deal of comfort......
	in what we are accustomed to....
	and a great deal of uncertainty.....
	in what is new.

Our love is new.....	
	and exciting.....
	and in need of time.......
	and patience.......
	and understanding.

And of this ......
	I commit to you....
For you are a love....
	that is worth this and.....
	so much more!


The time is near
a renewed life.....
a new love....

There are no second thoughts....
no reservations.....
as we begin our life together!!

The love I feel for you
has no conditions...
no expectations....
It is yours!

There are no second thoughts...
no reservations...
as we begin our life together!!

To hold you close....
and feel your arms around me....
our lips meet....
and the world disappears!

There are no second thoughts....
no reservations....
as we begin our life together!!

We talk for hours...
through the keys,
about life, love, and dreams.

There are no second thoughts...
no reservations....
as we begin our life together!!

Now, the time is near....
and sometimes, so far....
for the Best of Friends
to become, the Best of Lovers.

There are no second thoughts.....
no reservations.....
as we begin our life together!!


When I ask you to listen to me
	and you start to give me advice
	you have not done what I asked.

When I ask you to listen to me
	and you begin to tell me why I
	shouldn't feel that way,
	you are tramping on my feelings.

When I ask you to listen to me
	and you feel you have to do something
	you have failed me, strange as
	it may seem.

Listen! All I asked was that you listen,
	not talk or do - just hear me.
	Advice is cheap; 50 cents will
	get me both Dear Abby and
	Billy Graham in the same newspaper.
	And I can do for myself, I'm not helpless
	Maybe discouraged and faltering, but not helpless.

When you do something for me that I
	need to do for myself,
	you contribute to my fear and weakness.

But when you accept as a simple fact
	that I do feel what I feel, no matter how
	irrational, then I canquit trying to convince 
	you and get about the business of understanding
	what's behind this irrational feeling.
	And when that's clear, the answers are
	obvious and I don't need advice.
Irrational feelings make sense when we 
	understand what is behind them.

Perhaps that's why prayer works, sometimes,
	for some people, because God seems mute,
	and He doesn't give advice or try to fix things.
	He just listens and let's us work it out.

So, please listen and just hear me. And if you
	want to talk, wait a minute for your
	turn; I'll listen to you.



Sitting here....watching the sunset...
A time for peace,
A time for reflection.

A gentle spirit dwells within...
A love of nature awakened...
As the sun sets slowly over the water,
the breeze blows, as if cleansing the soul.

A time of peace....
A time of reflection.

Watching as the sun sets..I am at peace once again.
I close my eyes....
listening to the rhythm of the waves against the rocks...
A peaceful rejuvination enters.....
All is not lost.....the peace within,
I came to know so well.....has returned.