Hi and welcome to my website.

On this site is a few things I have made using Paint Shop Pro,
with the help of the many tutorials I have found on the web.

I would like to give credit to all the people who are kind enough to share their tutorials with us, which helps us to create great work.
I have been to many websites and have spent hours trying out all the different tutorials that once seemed impossible to do.

I would also like to give credit to the artists of the tubes and images I have used in my creations.  I do not know if any of them were copyright, but if you see your work here, Please contact me so I can give you credit or if need be, remove your art from my site.

Please check back from time to time, as I will be continually
adding to this site.

I hope you enjoy your visit.

Please use the drop down menu to select my pages.

If you would like to add a link back to my site,
you can use the image below.


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