Kansas: Toto isn't here anymore.

Wisconsin: Wear cheese or die.

Oklahoma: Rather Sooner than Later.

Hawaii: Try our lei-away program.

Mississippi: Elvis was born here, but heck, even he left.

California: Hey, with this many of us, we can make it legal!

New Jersey: Waste not ... send it here instead.

Nevada: Two to one you'll come again!

Washington: If we'd meant DC, we'd have said DC, stupid.

Massachusetts: Taxus Por Un Fortunat Bums.

Tennessee: To stay here, you'd HAVE to be a Volunteer!

Alabama: At least you're not in Mississippi.

Idaho: And don't even joke about the &%$#)%^ potatoes!

West Virginia: Well, it sounded better than Eastern Ohio...

Florida: Give me your sick, your old, your rich retirees...

South Carolina: Settled by prisoners, what do you expect?

North Carolina: Furniture out the wazoo.

Maryland: The best place to get crabs.

Nebraska: Not much to look at, but we sure have a lot of it.

Alaska: Colder than a polar bear's patoot.

South Dakota: To rent this space call 1-800-SEE- COWS.

Michigan: Where cars used to come from.

Arkansas: Send us your contributions, we'll send you our Bill...

Wyoming: More elk than people, but not much traffic.

Delaware: Parking for Dupont employees only.

Vermont: We boil sap.

New Hampshire: We boil sap too.

Ohio: The pillow state -- round on both ends, hi in the middle -- and full of fluff.

Missouri: We love company...

North Dakota: We wish we even had sap.