Hello and welcome to my directory of my pages. Here you will find a link to everypage I have on the net. (Why I have so many I don't know I guess I just get tired of them and stop working on them, but anyway..)Some of these may be from up to 3 years ago so if they are horrible looking you'll know that I had no webpage experience. So have fun and enjoy my pages!
My AOL page
I made this page back in like 8th grade
Save the Squirrel page
This page is was made in regaurds to seeing a squirrel in a trap
My Old Page
This is the page that used to be at this address
My Hello, Dolly! Page
I made this page because I couldn't find the lyrics to Hello Dolly anywhere
My Pikachu Page
This is a gallery of my Pikachu Pictures
My Brand Spankin' New Page
This is my newest page, come on in and take a look around1 :)