Selena Quintanilla Perez

She is forever remebered in our hearts

Selena,born on Easter Sunday 1971,really was an angel to all of her fans.Her amazing charm and simple smile could help her fans to remain happy even when times were rough.Her presence brought an incredible feeling to everyone who encountered it.And this page is my tribute to the best singer and role model to ever live...I hope you enjoy it!
Selena:Forever in our hearts!

Como La Flor
(Like the flower) was one of Selena's most popular songs.But,flowers wilt...and so did she.But,even now,she continues to touch our hearts and make us smile with her music.Read about how she affected My life,and touched the hearts of many others.If you want,you can leave a story or letter in the message book.Also,take a look at my new bulletin board.Find out the latest Selena news and what to expect from my homepage!Please help to forever remember our wonderful Selena.~*NEW*~ Check out my moon goddess that I adopted! You'll be suprised! =o)

Fotos y Recuerdos
(pictures and memories) This is my on-line Photo album of Selena through her life.This includes early pictures and a summary of her life story.

My Collection
This is where you'll see my collection of Selena albums and memorabilla...anything that I have that you would like me to make copies of for you,I will be happy to! Enjoy!

Selena trading board
People are always e-mailing me to trade Sel memorabilia. Just leave a message on the message board,so me or even other people can help you out! (or just come in to say hi!)

Selena Links and Thanks
These are some of the best Selena pages that I have been to...Their hard work really shows through the pages.And they've also been some of the inspirations for My page! And I'm also showing the links from which I've borrowed graphics and things...Thanks so much,guys!!Take a look...

About Me
This page is about me,the creator of this page.(how exciting) :o) This tells about how Selena affected my life,tells about my Selena collection,and just some facts about me.(Even more exciting.) Also,please e-mail me if you like my page,or just to chat.I always love talking to other fans!

Thanks for taking the time to check out my page! Please sign my guestbook and tell me what'cha think about my page! Also,please check back occasionally,because I'm always updating my page...Some of the links are not totally running yet. My page is very new,so e-mail me and I'll reply when I update! Hope you enjoyed my page!!

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~Viviras Siempre Selena~

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