links page
Links Page

This page is intended as a repository ..... or perhaps a suppository ... of interesting sites that I find during my meanderings.   Where I find free graphics and stuff for the home page builder, I will include it on this page also.

Nuff said, have a look around, hopefully you will find this useful and informative.

This is a graphics intensive page,  please give it time to load
 as the graphics are clickable links.  I think you will find it well
worth waiting for.

Free Counters
The Ultimate Counter ... cool free counters for your web page 500 styles to choose from
Loads of free goodies
The Graphics Ring which links 668 sites offering free buttons, bars, backgrounds, animations and more for your web page.
Celtic  Art by
Karen Nicholas

One of the best Celtic Web Art sites I have seen, Karen Nicholas is an artist who allows free use of her designs on non commercial web sites.   All the buttons shown link to different parts of her huge site.   For lovers of Celtic Knots, this is the place to go for buttons, bullets, backgrounds, borders, bars and more.

She also has links to other Celtic Art sites.   All the artwork shown is from her site.

A small site with some cute and usable backgrounds, such as the sheep at left.  A bit hard to choose a font colour which stands out on this background but I thought it was unusual enough to rate a mention 
Some usable free graphics here.
The Animation Station, animated gifs etc, links to other sites
More Graphics
Big collection of backgrounds, bullets, bars, etc etc etc.   Immense backgrounds archive. 
Celtic Culture
Celtic Earth
A huge Celtic site with loads of links to other sites which contain free graphics.
It also has links to Celtic cultural sites so if you are into the Celtic phenomenon, this is the site to visit and bookmark.
Celtic Culture
Clannada na Gadelica
Another large Celtic cultural site with lots of information and links.   The button and background shown here are from Karen Nicholas' site.
An Aussie Staple
The Vegemite Site ... hey a little rhyme !!
As promised on my cobbers page.
Essential Information
A beer page !!!   Whoo hoo this page looks at beers of the world and most Aussie brands, a must for the thirsty traveller. 
Great Barrier Reef Tours
Take a look at Mike Ball's site.   Book a Great Barrier Reef Dive Holiday or just view the stunning underwater pictures.   Well worth a look.
General Information
Our phone company has a site which contains masses of useful information about Australia and many useful utilities.
I use it as a start page.
Chat Rooms
The Chathouse where I met most of my cobbers.   Enjoy yourself there.
Opposition Chat Rooms
Written by the same person who set up the Chathouse.   Has a very familiar theme to the Chathouse with better features. 
Discworld Links
This is a repository of all things Pratchett.
If you are a fan, you need to see this site.
Discworld Fan Club  Page
More interesting Pratchett stuff with links.
A Fan's Page
Ankh Morpork home page ... a fans site, one of many but anything by a fan is worth a look.
The City Watch Page
Anna Cox's home page which is all about the Ankh Morpork City Watch which I am a Corporal.
The Clarecraft Page
Clarecraft make beautiful figurines and pottery dioramas of Discworld characters,
each design is personally approved by Terry himself.




Who the hell is Terry Pratchett and what is the Discworld ..huh??
Discworld Quizze 1   Discworld Quizze 2    Rince Meets the Man
My Country    Me in brief       Interesting Critters     My Cobbers*
Some Links   Dragon  Frogs