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Welcome to my home page. It is created for fun but the many links I have included will interest you. Hope you find this site useful. To find out more about me pls. click here. There are also midi files further down this page. Check them out !!!!!!.

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Want more information on internet service provider(ISP)   
Know more about Singapore and how to go around by bus  AQUA MIDI FILES
"Barbie Girl" Midi   "Oh My Oh" Midi
Want to have a laugh at JOKES ????
                       More than 20 - 30 jokes to laugh over.
                       Go ahead click here ! 
                                   Have jokes to shared ??? E-mail here

"Backstreet's Back" Midi "As Long As You Love Me" Midi

"Get Down" Midi

How to know that your friends are on the net ?
Very easy, use the following downloads:

Software links Games Recommendation          1) Age of Empires

         2) Dominion: Storm Over Gift3

         3) Dungeon Keeper

         4) Heroes of Might & Magic II

         5) Red Alert

         6) Seven Kingdoms

         7) Sid Meier's Gettysburg!

        Click  to view a list of my friends and their information.
Click   if you are bored for "That's Why You (Go Away)"
Click  to hear  Oasis-Lookbackanger.mid
 everest.gif (1809 bytes) Download Microsoft Internet Tools Get Real Player 5.0 at SingNet Real Player Mirror Site csi.gif (1708 bytes)

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Mission Impossible Theme Song
 Last updated on 21/5/98
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