I linger close ever so close I can feel the sun it is near
But why must I have to crawl to it to be with it
I get closer yet each day it is yet farther from my reach
I want this thing they call sanity
But I scream what is it really what is this thing they call sanity
Is it truely a clear thing that will hold you in it's unacumbered hold
something sweet as they all say
I dread it is not for me
It is for someone else why I wonder is it not for me..??

If you touch it...
is it real
If you smell it...
is it real
If it caresses your heart
should you let it in
Who's reality is real, yours, mine, thiers...
When it comes will know it..?

~The Mist~
It creeps in slowly
Surrounding My Soul,
My Sorrow,
My Pain,
Wrapped around a confused heart
My mind wanders where, where,
should I go point so I may know
Lead so I may follow
I am but lost in a world
I can't comprehend
I sit in the darkness
Waiting for the light
I but want to know which way
Is there a way a place that
I can be but me...
The Mist comes to me once more to
wrap itself around me
I ask it but to take me,
take me far from here...

~The Dark Dance Whispers~
I can hear it getting closer each day
at first Whispering it's tales of hope and lies it is like the dark wind
slowly caressing your ear, moving along your body as if to keep you near.
It dances and swirls around you as if to play
taking your hand and spinning you beconing you to play,
to come with them the darkest of winds, and do its dance
then it slowly surrounds you, getting closer
whispering harshly into your ears come away with me come to places dark and deep
where no feelings will ever seep.
Dance with me oh lonely one,dance my dance with me.
We shall swirl we shall play along the corridors of your mind
To play and scream, to feel the pain once more before I let you go.
I am no stranger I am always with you.
My hold is strong, but it is your will that can break me.
So I cling for as long as you bear me
I am your darkness I am your pain.
Dance with me once more I will caress your soul your pain Dance with me once more.
