<BGSOUND SRC="takemybr.mid">
About Me

Vital Statistics

Married for 31 years, 56, 6'1", 200 Lbs. 2 wonderful female children - 27 and 29, both living in San Diego, both graduated from college.

About Me

I love getting to know other
people, their interests, opinions, and values.  Isn't the web a fantastic place for the exchange of information?  It is also anarchy.... so don't believe everything you see and hear.  How about from me?  I am honest and caring.

I am committed to my spouse of 31 years because she is still the love of my life.

My Interests

Flying, beaches, hiking, movies, computers, air shows, spectator sports, etc.  I have a video camera for my PC, the source of the photo above. 

Contacting Me

Anyone for Yahoo Webcam, MS Live or ICQ (incl webcam)?
ICQ#: 7057174

Still crazy, after all these years!
My Favorite Links:
bad link (placeholder)
My Info:
Name: Zz Zzyy12
Email: zzyy12@yahoo.com