Big Swinging Dick's Beach Babe Page
Week of Apr. 30, 2000

Heya! I've got a line on a camera set up at a beach and, since everybody needs a hobby, have taken to collecting shots of boob- and bun-baring women. This is my to salute these women because they dare to go against orthodoxy. So if you see someone you recognize, congratulate her for expanding the frontiers of societal evolution here in America.
This page will link to 50 shots every week. I divide them into three categories for front and back. For the front, "fair" photos are those that show part of a breast, "good" ones show at least one clearly although distorted or the silhouette of them, "great" ones show both directly. For the back, "fair" photos show a suggestion of cheeks, "good" ones show cheeks clearly although obscured by sitting or laying or something, and "great" ones show cheeks clearly without obstruction. The pictures of the week show outstanding examples of these. I don't guarantee the quality of these shots, and there ain't no pornography here (I can stumble down the street to see that), just a bunch of open-minded and self-confident women.
From this page you can link to the current week's selection or go through the archives as I make them up.

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