New Zealand Chat - Newsletter
May 1999

In recent months WBS NZ Chat has fallen into a state of disrepair and misuse.  It became a sort of fallen down bus shelter of the cyber world.  Tatty and dusty and predominantly empty.

The re-build team came together to turn the tide of time and early May saw a tiny spark of hope with a Chat Date on Mother's Day weekend. Enjoyed so much by those who attended, that event has given rise to a NZ Chat Newsletter and a Web Site.

As soon as the web site is up and running we'll send you the URL.

Maggie and Daggy

NZ Chat Events and Gossip
"Only true rumors told here"
SB Hawaiian recently returned from a fabulous tour of Okinawa and Thailand. He says the people and the colours were wonderful but the food?.... he only ate American. :) Wiki has now safely arrived in New Zealand and has scored a wonderful job.  She's doing great but missing her NZ chat friends. :)

Lost and Found
If anybody has email addresses for the following people we would be extremely grateful to receive them:
  • Nursie and or Keith
  • BlockerKiwi
  • Captain Oats
  • Autumn Leeves
  • CyberManJohn
  • Fastcatcher
  • Justine1900
  • MarvinNZ
  • Robbonz
  • Tuesday100
  • WheelSpanner
  • NZQT
  • Hunkaburnin'
  • Chev66
  • Bogus555
  • CloudDancer
  • FishingBert
  • Forward Scout
  • NJ23
  • ScottNZAKL
  • Vasques
  • Xqqzme
If there is anybody else you've lost or would like to reconnect with, perhaps we can help. Email Maggie or Daggy and we'll see what we can do

submissions for the E 'n G column gladly accepted

This Issue Special Guest
writes about 
The Grand Life

From the Front gate of Les and Violet's 
new home in British Columbia
(Pretty ain't it?)

I gave up the working world in November of 1998.  I got tired of the 9 months freezing my butt off, and 3 months of fighting for my life with the mosquitoes of northern Canada.  I saw no need to work for someone else until I was 65 so I packed it in and moved to the beautiful Southern end of British Columbia.  The West Kootenays the area is called to be exact. 

We moved onto a 360-acre hobby farm and have been enjoying every moment of it.  Unlike my life up in Northern Canada, we can do what we want, when we want.  My wife Violet is very much a social person and I am a loner for the most part.  This could be because I spent most of my life as a very severe stutterer.  Which I am now pleased to say, is a torment that is has been put to rest.  I am a chronic terrible speller but I write short stories of all things.  It doesn't figure. 

Retirement?  It is a big step and one that sends endless doubts through one's mind.  Is there enough money in the kitty to carry one for thirty years?  You have to take the leap with wild abandonment and that I did.  I love my free time, I love to chat, play othello and on some days spend up to six hours a day typing short stories, only to chuck them. 

Life is grand.

Visit Violet or Les at their WBS home pages

Please feel free to send this newsletter on to as many people as you think would be interested. 

If they'd like their own copy sent to them they can subscribe by contacting either Maggie2 or Daggydog

Production Team

Guest Writer