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New Zealand Chat - Newsletter
August 1999
We Say

Chat dates:  Our last chat date the weekend after July 4th proved to be a little less successful than we anticipated. Perhaps the time zones so far apart, or that the date was organised for a weekend, were the causes of such a small turn out.  So tell us what you want.  Do you want organised chat dates? Would you prefer to organise your own chat dates? What days of the week and times of the day would you prefer? Would you rather stay in touch by email? Please let us know by emailing

In the mean time GO Network have introduced their new Java Chat - which looks like IRC, but it's much quicker than the WBS streaming chat we've become used to. You will need a Java enabled browser.  Check it out!

New Stuff in WBS: Recently it seems the New Zealand Chat Room in WBS has been swept clean of messages on a daily basis.  There is a concern that this may be the beginning of the end for NZ Chat, and that WBS may be planning to 'delete' under utilised chat rooms.  If anybody has 'inside' news on what is being planned please pass it on to us.

The Message Board:  A reminder that this facility exists! Use it to stay in touch, pass messages, jokes and stories. Find it here New Zealand Chat Friends Message Board

Maggie and Daggy

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New Zealand Chat Events and Gossip
"Only True Rumours Told Here"
 Happy birthday to 
for July 22nd

 Logie Schmogie went back to Med School in Otago (South Island) on July 9th. 

It'll be some time before we see his cheeky chat in NZ. 

News is that Annie99 is due to have  a baby!  As yet we don't have and email address for Annie but I'm sure somebody out there can verify this rumour.

Harald and his roses - so far he has JF Kennedy, Apollo, Blue Girl, Peace, Honor, Oklahoma, Mister Lincoln, and Tropicana.

This is his beautiful Mister Lincoln!

Maggie2's new employer is sending her to work in Singapore for a week in August and then another week in December!  There's also talk of work in South Africa.

Xqqzme has been sighted in NZ chat recently! Nice to know he is out there alive and well.

There've been a couple of WBS chatter weddings recently and still no photos's have crossed the newsletter desk.  Come on people! share your happy day with the rest of us! :)


Get Well Soon Les-And

Les is currently nursing a broken wrist.  A battle of wits with a new horse has left him pretty sore.

Take care Les and come back to chat real soon!

Just a wee bit of catching up from TexasBear: ....  my hubby, the 4 youngest of our EIGHT!! kids
and I are settling down in our Port Huron, Michigan home....our youngest Canadian daughter calls herself "born and raised in the United States" where in particular in the United States, mind you, she loves the whole country so she's just "born in the United States" now!! *LOL*...

Texan Lynx (my daughter) is planning her move to Provo, Utah to make her mark on the Novell world (if she can get a position there, but as 18 yr olds go, she is probably one of the most adventurous and willing to take risks)

1OldHippie says: I am still here.......just trying to figure out how to use this new computer and trying to figure out why some of the things that worked on the old computer don't work on this new.

Tell everyone that we (Mrs Hippie and I) said "Hi". Will try to get into the Chat room one of these days.

KiwiTex sends a big special thanks everyone who puts so much time and effort into the NZ chat newsletter. She says she loves receiving it. 

She also says she's sorry she missed the last get together, but for some reason couldn't open the

Quaton is still working in Perth Australia.. he says he's 'flat out' working hard.  Someplace he has ICQ and will load it when he has the chance so he can get back in contact with the NZ chat crew.

Last week while heading home from work I bumped into SandmanGeorge in the bus terminal in downtown Auckland.  He's doing well living and working in Auckland, and hasn't checked his email in months.   But he promises to pick up his email Newsletters and catch up on all the gossip.  Maggie2

submissions for the E and G column gladly accepted

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Lost and Found

The  Lost List
HELP!!! We still haven't found these people!!
Please check your old Address and Guest books for these Handles

  • Captain Oats
  • CyberManJohn
  • Fastcatcher
  • Noelle
  • USKiwi71
  • 66Chev
  • FishingBert
  • ScottNZAKL
  • Tenor
  • Annie999
Welcome Newbies list
Say Hello to these New to NZ Chatters
  • Jochen
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DAILA adventure in finding your family roots
Back in the 80's my maternal grandmother gave a letter to me tracing her family back beyond the American Revolutionary War (1776..if that tells you anything) Thus, my introduction into genealogy.

Genealogy is tracing ones family history.  Well, it didn't end there on her side
but also on my father's side too. Proud to say our families are older as the good ole USA!  Hey we were colonies before a country

Of course, tracing the family tree is time consuming with researching your family tree it could take alot of time such as interview family members (hmm....I can remember as if it was yesterday....) going to the local library, writing letters to historical societies, hiring researchers, etc.  But with the introduction of the world wide web, genealogy has gotten a lot less time consuming.  It doesn't take the place of good ole investigating but it does make it easier and you never know you might met someone doing the same research as you are.

When I first got on the Web, I was curious to find anything about genealogy. Boy, did I find alot of useful websites. Ranging from specific genealogy sites, mailing lists, message boards to chat rooms. Even homepages are devoted to genealogy. As your truly has one...I call it Daila's Tree House

One of the must useful and even once got recognition on ZdTV (Computer TV channel) is Cindi's List of Genealogy Sites. The site is at The website list many genealogy links just about anything. She evens breaks it down by country! Australia and New Zealand have good links listed. So anyone down that way thinking tracing there family history, this is a good place to start.

Not only did I find a lot of genealogy links but also there are genealogy software out now such as Family Tree Maker or Brothers' Keeper We have the Family Tree Maker and actual able to find some ancestors on them. 

Of course, even though the Web has made genealogy easier, so get out there and start digging and you never know what family roots you can come up

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How to Talk Kiwi
(according to an Aussie)

An Introductory Language Lesson :  Have you spent years trying and failing to understand what they're saying? Just by following these easy steps, you too can hold a conversation with a New Zealander. 

What you hear and What it really means: 

A MEDGEN:  Visualise, conjure up mentally, John Lennon's first solo album "Imagine" as it was a Bug Hut in the "Land of the Long White Cloud" BETTING:  "Betting Gloves" are worn by "Betsmen" in "Crucket"
BRIST:  Part of the human anatomy between the "Nick" and the "Billy" BUGGER:  As in "Mine is bugger then yours"
COLOUR:  Terminator; violent forecloser of human life. COME YOUSE:  Controversial captain of the Australian Cricket team resigned tearfully in favour of Allan Border.  "Come" insisted that all deliveries be overarm. Full Name: Kimberley John Hughes.
CHULLY BUN:  "Chilly Bin" also known as an ESKY. CUSS:  Kiss 
DIMMER KRETZ:  Those who believe in Democracy. ERROR BUCK:  Language spoken in countries like "Surria", "E-Jupp" & Libernon"
CHICK OUT CHUCKS:  Supermarket point of sale operators. GUESS:  Flammable vapour used in stoves
EKKA DYMOCKS:  University Staff FITTER CHENEY:  A type of long flat pasta, not to be confused with "Rugger Tony" or "Tell ya, Tilly".
SENDLES:  Sandals, Thongs & open shoes.  DUCK HID:  Term of abuse directed mainly at Males.
PHAR LAP:  NZ's famous horse christened "Phillip" but was incorrectly written down as "Phar Lap" by an Australian (Racing official who was not well versed in KIWIESE) DUNNESTY:  US Television soap opera starred Joan Collins as "Elixirs Kerrungton"
ERROR ROUTE:  Arnott's famous oval shaped "mulk error route buskets"
 Just to be fair here are some translations from English to the somewhat limited dialect of Australia known as "Ockerese" 

Friend - Mate 
Wife - Mate 
Dog - Mate 
Someone who's name you can't remember - Mate 
Lunch - XXXX 
A romantic dinner for 2 - a barbie 
A romantic dinner for 200 - a barbie 

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This Newsletter thing is great! Good on ya. How do you manage to find time to do all this?

Anyway, I'm not in china anymore, I'm in Mongolia. Has been here in the past month. Today after a bit of an argument with the Chinese embassy (they must have thought i was American) A got my passport back and my visa and I'm on my way back to China.

BTW NZ chat room is always empty and the chat dates are always held on Sundays when the internet cafes are all closed :(

see ya 

I'm still working 12 hour days doing flight operations here.  I got a one day trip to Germany and my brother who is stationed near Ramstein Air Base picked me up and we spent the day together. 

I'm hoping to be sent home by the end of summer. Nothing official yet.  it's getting hot here as the winds blow in from north africa (but it's a dry heat). 

I miss everyone and I hope for early parole 

Take care and my best to the gang....SB Hawaiian.

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Get Daggy with Cookie
got an excellent recipie you'd like to share?
send it to our test kitchen at Daggy's house.
half to one cup of butter
1 egg
3 or 4 medium bananas
1 cup plain flour
1 tspn baking powder
half to 1 cup of milk
mix butter,sugar and egg
add mashed bananas
add dry ingredients
add milk last
grease tin
bake in oven at 180 c for 40-454 mins
if cake looks wet add more flour


1 cup/125g/4oz  self-raising flour
half cup/60g/2oz flour
half a teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
half a teaspoon ground cardamom
half a teaspoon ground nutmeg
1cup/220g/7oz caster sugar
2 eggs
half a cup/125ml/4fl oz vegetable oil
2 teaspoons finely grated orange rind
4 teaspoons freshly squeezed orange juice
half a teaspoon vanilla essence
100g/3.5 oz grated carrot
60g/ 2 oz pecans,chopped
1  sift self-raising flour,flour,bicarbonate of soda,cardamom and nutmeg together into a bowl
2  place sugar and eggs in a separate bowl and beat until light and creamy.
gradually beat in oil and continue beating until mixture is thick and increased in volume.
mix in orange rind and juice and vanilla essence.
fold flour mixture into egg mixture, then mix in carrot and pecans
3  Spoon mixture into greased and lined 11x21cm/ 4.5x8.5in loaf tin and bake 
for 50 mins or until cooked when tested with a skewer.
  stand loaf in tin for 5 mins before turning onto a wire rack to cool
Makes an 11x21cm/14.5x8.5 inch  loaf
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NZ Chat Home page
New Zealand Chat Friends Message Board
go there and leave a message!
 TVOne News
(get the news from NZ)
 1999 Rally of NZ
(for the Motorsport fans)
 NZ Internet Shop
(everything from Kiwi Candy to Videos)
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So You Think You're Ready to Have a Baby? 

Smear peanut butter on the sofa and curtains. 
Now rub your hands in the wet flower bed and rub on the walls. 
Place a fish stick behind the couch and leave it there all summer. 
Obtain a 55-gallon box of Legos. (If Legos are not available, you may substitute roofing tacks or broken bottles.) Have a friend spread them all over the house. Put on a blindfold. Try to walk to the bathroom or kitchen. Do not scream (this could wake a child at night). 

Borrow one or two small animals (goats are best) and take them with you as 
you shop at the grocery store. Always keep them in sight and pay for anything they eat or damage. 

Obtain one large, unhappy, live octopus. Stuff into a small net bag making sure that all arms stay inside. 

Obtain a large plastic milk jug. Fill halfway with water. Suspend from the ceiling with a stout cord. Start the jug swinging. Try to insert spoonfuls of soggy cereal (such as Fruit Loops or Cheerios) into the mouth of the jug while pretending to be an airplane. Now dump the contents of the jug on the floor. 

Prepare by obtaining a small cloth bag and fill it with 8 to 12 pounds of sand. Soak it thoroughly in water. At 8:00 PM begin to waltz and hum with the bag until 9:00 PM. Lay down your bag and set your alarm for 10:00 PM. Get up, pick up your bag, and sing every song you have ever heard. Make up about a dozen more and sing these too until 4:00 AM. Set alarm for 5:00 AM. Get up and make breakfast. Keep this up for 5 years. Look cheerful. 

Obtain a large bean-bag chair and attach it to the front of your clothes. Leave it there for 9 months. Now remove 10% of the beans. Purchase a newspaper. Go home and read it quietly for the last time. 

Find a couple who already have a small child. Lecture them on how they can improve their child's discipline, patience, tolerance, toilet training, and table manners. Suggest many ways they can improve. Emphasize to them that they should never allow their children to run wild. Enjoy this experience. It will be the last time you will have all the answers. 

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Next Issue
Lessons From History
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If they'd like their own copy sent to them they can subscribe by contacting NZChat

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