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New Zealand Chat - Newsletter
December 1999
We Say

A change in colour scheme this month, next month we'll try something different. We hope you like it!

Our November Chat date was a roaring success with a lot of people logging in over the day and finding somebody to talk to.  Even some rarely seen from WBS days like Torrid and Texas Bear. 

We've had a few questions about how to submit articles to the Newsletter for publication.  Submissions close on the 20th of each month so if you'd like something included please send it to by that date and we'll do our best to publish it.  Usually by the 27th of the month our first draft is completed and all Editors make alterations and corrections before the newsletter is sent out.

The Newsletter Team

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Who's Doing What
Woo Hooo what a month for gossip! there's a lot going on out there in the big world.

Deb (aka SheWhoSlaves) has bought a house by a river and moved in during the last weeks of November. Congratulations Deb!! We all hope you'll be very happy in your new home. 

Kiwisnow turned up for our chat date in November and nobody was there! :( So for next time here is a web site that will quickly give you the correct local time almost anyplace in the world. Time Zone

Last we heard from Kiwisnow they were hunkering down to avoid Hurricane Lenny. If anybody has heard how they fared, please let us know.. 

AngelNZ has met and fallen in love with a wonderful guy in Seattle.  She tells me they're getting married mid next year and she's moving to the US just as soon as she can.  Check out this Wonderful Love Story

She's also interested in talking to New Zealanders who have moved to the US so she can get some information on Immigration issues.  See the ICQ list for her contact number. 

We recently received this message from ForwardScout..... and whatever it is you've been smoking dude you wanna share it around?

"hey.. just letting you know i have been away from
the net for a while duh!!!.. no kidding), i hope to be back soon.. i really miss you all there.. ive said it.. i sound so pathetic.. but its not my fault, its my DNA coding that makes me the way i am.. oops.ive said to much.. forget everything ive said... ok..thanks for listening.. see you all online soon.. probably after christmas... oh and by the way.. the film work is going good.. keeping me busy and out of trouble

um.. if youve forgotten who i am.. well its me..
Jason.. from New Zealand.. and by now you have no excuse for not knowing that. 

i think ive taken up enough of your time so ill let
you get on with your  life.. for now..

see ya

Jason (Its difficult to soar with eagles when all
your friends are turkeys)"
(ok Jas, whatever you say mate *g*)

Does Anybody know where Tenore is? This isn't a trick question!! *g*  We'd really like to catch up with him again.  If anybody has a contact for him please let us know or ask him to contact

Chat Date: David Dubbin couldn't make our November chat date :(  but I'm sure he'll be at the next one. Billy claims to be too old for the Chat Playground.... but I dunno! *g* I think he could be persuaded to play some silly games with the rest of us! OneOldHippie couldn't be at the chat date either.  He was too busy doing the Hunter Gatherer thing and filling the freezer full of deer.  What a good Hippie he is! NZQT couldn't be at our last chat date because she only has an email connection from work but says a big "HI" to all.

Harald has at long last moved from Stockton to a new home in the mountains.  He says he's feeling at peace there.  We're pleased you're comfortable there Harald, take care of yourself. 

Welcome to our New members, some we know by other handles and some are new to us:  Ladyg (aka Lady Mae) Ozeeyore, Gugg2, Stoffer95, Ringtime (aka Yoj123) Kimball_K, TorridChick.rm and Bonadea62.  Welcome to the Club! 

Wic7 has a new job in customer service and loving it! 

SB Hawaiian will be in Manila for a week from December 3rd 

JangoBabe has a job!  wooo hooo!! 

Tommy says he can't send a baby photo for the cometition because he was never a baby! (Well I wonder where he came from then?)

Les-And's beautiful wife won a 50's Plus contest in early November. Congratulations Violet!!  Les says to give her a treat he made popcorn for her supper that night. Isn't he wonderful?! *grin* 

Congratulations are also in order for Les and Violet! In late November they celebrated the Eleventy Twelth Wedding Anniversay! Well Done!!

KayCee has a new net connection and has been
looking for us!.... Come on in Karen!!

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NZ Chat Date
in the
New Zealand Friends Yahoo Club
Sat Dec 11th CA time Sun Dec 12th NZ time
Add this event to your Yahoo Calendar by clicking here.
This Club is Invitation Only, so if you have not received your invitation to join the NZ Chat Friends Yahoo Club please contact
Whiffle, Daila or Maggie2
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ICQ Numbers
To help us all stay in touch we've decided to publish ICQ numbers each month
If you'd like to add your number to the list please forward your details to or contact  Daila or Maggie
ICQ# 47541547
Calgary (aka Esa)
ICQ# 2439694
ICQ# 5029017
Daila (aka fillyd_2000)
ICQ# 1317616
 ForwardScout (Jtones)
ICQ# 4037882
ICQ# 14368769
ICQ# 4541101
ICQ# 2219884
 Maggie (aka Kapowai)
ICQ# 3135619
ICQ# 46107273
ICQ# 1868816
SB Hawaiian
ICQ# 23171595
ICQ# 54470109
ICQ# 1578803
Logie Schmogie
ICQ# 519754
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Chat Babies

A Huge Big THANK YOU to those who sent their cutest baby photos.

Entry is very simple.  Just go to the Chat Babies site and match each Chat Baby with a Name from the list. 

Send an email to Baby Photo Competition with your 
Matched List and your Vote for 'Best Baby'

Competition Closes December 13th 
Winners announced December 15th 1999

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Christmas Greetings

We've received so many Greetings and Wishes we've created a whole site for them.
Check it out HERE

If you would like your Greeting added 
please email

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Quatons CUAS

Hi Fellow Kiwi Chatters!

First, There was a winner in the competition on Guessing what  "CUAS" means! It was won by "torridchick" who guessed right..........COOKING UP A STORM! Torridchick not only gets a secret recipe, but a free dinner for
two at our restaurant....(sorry dear, airfares are not included in the deal!)

Second, Our restaurant is, at last, on the net....for those who wish to check out the site....and the menu...... click this.....

Now, alot of the recipes that  I will be sharing with you all will be Mexican as that is my specialty, but in this issue, it is an Asian one. About a month ago, due to the fact I don't have gas in my apartment, I treated myself to a top of the range electric wok! Wok cooking is truly a wonderful way of cooking. It's quick (once everthing is chopped, diced etc.), fast and healthy!

Perth, Western Australia being so close to Asia, there is alot of influence in this style of cooking. A couple of weeks ago, I had my sister over with her boyfriend for a dinner party and I cooked a dish which had outstanding results!
The Recipe.......CHILLI MUSSELS

1 kg FRESH mussels
375 gram packet fokien noodles
1 spanish onion (finely diced)
850 gram tin crushed,chunky tomatoes
1/3 cup mild sweet chilli sauce
1/4 cup oyster sauce
1 tablespoon cornflour blended with 1/2 cup water
2 tablespoons lime (or lemon) juice
1 tablespoon chopped fresh coriander leaves (optional)

Rinse mussels thoroughly and remove beards. Add noodles to a saucepan of boiling water, bring to boil again then drain immediately. Heat wok and saute onion with a bit of oil for 1 min, add tomatoes, sauces and noodles, stir, then add mussels, blended cornlour and lime juice.....stir until mixture boils and thickens.  Reduce heat, cover and cook for a few minutees till mussels open. Before seving, sprinkle coriander over it!

NOTES:......NZ green lipped mussels are great, but, the black smaller
mussels are preferred as they are sweeter and less tough!

Please email me whoever tries this great recipe out and let me know how it went 

Last but not least....TIP OF THE MONTH.....OIL!

As mentioned in the recipe, I mentioned using a bit of, asian cooking usually means peanut oil, though you can use an olive or vegetable oil......but there is a wonderful oil out on the market that I use extensively called GRAPESEED OIL. It's light, has very gentle flavour, has wonderful heating/cooking a healthy oil! Check it out!!!!!!!!


The Quaton

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Ask Daila......Where's the Website?

Have you ever notice sometimes in NZChatroom that some people (hmmmm I wonder who they could be) chat on a Monday or any other weekday when they are suppose to be at work. No, its not because they are sick its because they have the day off ..its a HOLIDAY! So, they have the day off and you ask what holiday? 

The Queen's Birthday or just a national holiday...these are logical. Then the real confusion begins...when countries share the same observances such as Labor Day, Memorial Day but observed in different months. Or the fact Canada celebrates Thanksgiving in October and the USA in November. But never fear, so you won't left in the dark of what is when. I found a website that can clear all that up. 

      The World Wide Holiday and Festival Site

This site also helps when you travel so you won't arrive on a Holiday like I did when I went to NZ and it was Waitangi Day. If you have a website you want to know where it might be, contact me at

See ya, 
(aka Daila aka fillyd_2000)


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Cool Links
 Acapulco Annies
 Angel in Love
 Time Zone
 World Wide Festivals and Holidays
 Newsletter Back Issues
 Chat Babies
Club Christmas Greetings
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Excellent Christmas Cake Recipe

With the holidays coming, I thought you all could use this...

1 cup water
1 cup sugar
4 large eggs
2 cups dried fruit
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup brown sugar
lemon juice
1 gallon whiskey

Sample the whiskey to check for quality.
Take a large bowl.
Check the whiskey again to be sure it is of the highest quality.
Pour one level cup and drink.
Turn on the electric mixer; beat 1 cup butter in a large, fluffy bowl.
Add 1 teaspoon sugar and beat again.

Make sure the whiskey is still OK.  Cry another tup.
Turn off mixer.

Break 2 legs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit.
Mix on the turner.
If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers,
pry it loose with a drewscriver.
Sample the whiskey to check for tonsisticity.

Next, sift 2 cups of salt.  Or something.  Who cares?
Check the whiskey.
Now sift the lemon juice and strain your nuts.
Add one table.  Spoon.  Of sugar or something.
Whatever you can find.
Grease the oven.

Turn the cake tin to 350 degrees.
Don't forget to beat off the turner.
Throw the bowl out of the window.
Check the whiskey again.
Go to bed.
Who the hell likes fruitcake anyway?

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Please feel free to send this newsletter on to as many people as you think would be interested. 

If they'd like their own copy sent to them they can subscribe by contacting NZChat

December Contributors
Daila - Kentucky USA
Maggie2 - New Zealand
Quaton - Australia

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