welcome to retroweb

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useful malesite!

que sorpresa!

hi! i guess you expect here something very interesting about my personality (what is this?) and my life (häää?). or even a detailled list of my hobbies (just forget about it, shmuck!). instead i'm right now wasting your time with nonsense, nonsense and more nonsense. but seriously, isn't that what you always get on such web-sites!? isn't that what you are looking for!? if not,  leave immediately before you get brain damages! for all the spastics who are still with me; relax, put your feet up and enjoy every minute of this bombastic adventure!!!

que os divertais!

my favorite place

my company

Personal stuff:

my city online

my passion!

my home (sorry, not yet built...the page, not the home!!!)

my football team