Dan's Webpage
Welcome to my newly UPDATED webpage. I know its been awhile since I have updated (1997) but I'm trying! The page's purpose really hasn't changed over the six years it has taken up space on the world wide web, and it won't now. However, I have grown mentally and socially in the time that the page has festered and it will now,? ?p?r?o?b??ably,? expand to reflect this ???growth.

I am currently a student at Emporia State University (Go Hornets) working on secondary special education and psychology. I will hopefully? gra???duate this spring.

My favorite sports teams are the Kansas City Chiefs and the Kansas City Royals(I belive) who are doing very well thus far this season and will hopefully continue on that current trend.

Well this is all for now... check back for more updates????
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Name: Dan