angell.gif (2875 bytes) My Tribute to Jessica angelr.gif (2883 bytes)

What can I say?

Jessica surfed upon my site one day, and she felt that she had seen pictures
of herself growing up......she emailed me......a friendship began.

Jessica was born with Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita.   Her hip was dislocated
and she had club feet and hands.

At the age of six months, she had surgery to repair her feet.  Shortly after,
her mother began an intensive physiotherapy program to help her gain mobility
in her joints, and to assist in muscle growth.

It worked!  At age 3, against all odds, Jessica walked - with only the aid of
ankle splints.  The start of something wonderful for her.

She is now 14, and below - you will see the rewards of what all the years of painful
physiotherapy, multiple times per day has helped her to achieve.  I'm so very proud
of her, and completely thankful that she and her family never gave up.

Well done Jessica - you are my inspiration!

Click on the thumbnail to view larger image:

Jessica at Birth Another Newborn Shot At Age 3 By the horse My kids wont do this!!!
Climbing the ladder! She never ceases to amaze me! Kick that Ball!!! And again! What next???
Lucky Girl has her own horse! Walking alone is a goal Love to ride! What??? - A pushbike??? Walking again!

(to Jamie-Lee's Webpage)


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