You're in the

Hello, glad you could make it to the all new and improved Timmons Lounge.
Im your host, my name's Jeff but everyone here just calls me, Timmo.  
I've been into the lounge cultutre for about 3 years now. This is my 
little tribute site to the lounge scene, which is making a comeback. Retro
is cool so take a look around. I have some swanky downloads and links to
other cool lounge sites, plus my own wacky stuff I like and info on me.



Step into the lounge and step back in time a few decades. Back to the Atomic-Age when generation X was a top secret experiment hunted by cold war spies and secret agents. A time veiwed the the seductive haze of a slow burning, lipstick kissed cigarette. A time clothed in lepoard skin, crushed velvet smoking jackets and fedoras.Where a fella could be a cool cat if he knew the lyrics to Sinatra songs and hip chicks knew how to be sexy without saying a word. Where slow, smoky jazz is played all night, tunes by Martin Denny, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Tony Bennet or Henry Mancini. So grab a martini or your cocktail of choice, find an overstuffed easy chair and let the part start.


Here are some places to go while in the lounge (just click on the sign)




Send E-Mail to Mr. Timmo


The Timmons Lounge is a Black Rhino Production