From the February 13th National Enquirer:


You won't believe who goes there!

Hollywood's sexy stars are hot, hot, hot, and not just on the silver screen. Their secret love lives are steamier than anything you'll see in the movies — and this week we reveal the reality of their private passions.
In this issue a special National Enquirer investigation takes you behind the scenes at The Vault, a sex club frequented by many of Hollywood's top celebs. You won't be able to put it down.


What they do behind closed doors — club insiders tell all!

DOZENS of Hollywood's top stars have frequented an outrageous sex club in New York City — and an undercover ENQUIRER investigation is ripping the lid off what they do there behind closed doors! In an exclusive tell-all interview, club managers Anthony Marini and Robert F. Gallo revealed that their notorious sex club The Vault has been visited by such famous personalities as Madonna, Harrison Ford, Al Pacino, Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee, Mickey Rourke, Robert Downey, Jr., "Brady Bunch" star Susan Olsen, Heather Locklear, Sharon Stone and others.

"The stars have come out in droves over the years," says Gallo, a decorated former New York Police Department narcotics detective who, with his partner, has operated the sex club and bondage and torture dungeon since 1984.

Gallo and Marini say that just about anything goes in The Vault, which caters to all sorts, including "gays, vampires, goths, tickle torturers, people who like to wear diapers, military fetishists — even people who like to crawl around on all fours like dogs!"

In addition to hosting nonstop sexual activity, the kink den sponsors hot wax parties, bare boobs contests, uniform nights, slave auctions, toe-sucking extravaganzas and Christmas visits from "Leather Claus." Patrons can watch the sexy scenes — and join in. "Some of the star who came were extremely turned on and titillated by this unconventional culture," says Marini, a former advertising exec. "The vault became a Hollywood focal point." Here are some of the famous personalities Gallo and Marini say they've hosted at the S&M club over the years.

Heather Locklear: "The first time Heather Locklear came, her reaction to all the insanity was indifference," Marini says, "and in my opinion that made her one of the coolest celebrities that we ever hosted.
     "She was sitting at the bar and foot fetishists were crawling on the floor beneathe her. One guy — a regular at the club — thinks he's a Roman slave. He wears a burlap outfit and is wrapped in chains. He and another foot worshipper were groveling on the floor under her and entwining themselves in her barstool. She was perfectly calm about this display of affection.
     "When Heather came in more recently, she was escorted by two other people and I remember her very intently peering into a room we have set up where sex acts take place. She was very curious and interested in the goings-on back there and seemed to get a kick out of it."

Sharon Stone: "Sharon arrived at the club with two other women," Marini recalls. "She was especially low-key and dressed down. She approached me and asked if she'd have any problems and I assured her that in the event of an incident, if she ran to any of our bouncers in a Vault T-shirt, she'd be perfectly safe. She didn't know what to expect.
     "That night there was a lesbian scene in the dimly lit back portion of the club where we had a jail cell. She was watching the other girls torturing each other and getting it on. I remember her spending most of the nifght back there watching."

Madonna: "She was a regular," says Marini. "When she first came in in '92, The Vault was not celebrity-oriented. She would come in dressed low-key, wearing a baseball hat and sweats. Nobody paid attention to her. She was an observer and her viewing preference seemd to be homosexual acts — guys getting it on with guys and girls getting it on with girls. If it was men doing it to each other, she preferred young guys, particularly Latin men.
     "Once, two mistresses were whipping a guy and they turned to her while she watched and asked if she desired to make a request. She did — and the women started getting it on together while stepping on the man as they performed.
     "When she got the idea to publish her book 'SEX,' Madonna arranged a shoot at The Vault and used a guy named Lucifer, our head of security, in many of the photos.
     "Right after the book was released, she did a video at The Vault for a song called 'Erotica.' Then she mentioned the club during an appearance on 'The Arsenio Hall Show,' and business exploded for us. From that point on it was a celebrity madhouse."

David Copperfield and Claudia Schiffer: The couple were participants in kinky goings-on, Marini reveals. "Claudia and David were shopping for an apartment on Central Park West and accompanied by their realtor. But before long they wound up in the back room, where we had a jail cell, having an intense heavy session.
     "Claudia must have thoguht David had magic fingers because his hands were all over her."

Al Pacino: The actor once spent a lot of time at the club, Marini says. He was preparing for a role as an undercover homocide investigator on the trail of a sadistic psychopath, Marini recalls, and "Al got deeply into the research."

Mickey Rourke: The star caused quite a scene at the club one night, Marini recalls.
     "It was a nightmare," Marini told The ENQUIRER. "It started when he got out of his limo with two hip-hop types. At that time Mickey Rourke was boxing and he appeared pretty buff and tan. When you saw him from a distance he looked great.
     "But when you got close to him, he looked shot — like he'd been partying for eight months straight.
     "For a couple of hours he hung out downstairs acting calm and cool. But then he decided to go upstairs to a floor that was strictly for couples. We didn't see him for 15 or 20 minutes.
     "We finally found Mickey in the bathroom with a transvestite."
     Marini said Mickey became belligerent and began causing a disturbance.
     "We told him, 'We think it would be better if you'd just leave.' We had very big security guys and Mickey started pushing and shoving them.
     "He was hard to throw out.
     "He was strong and it took four guys to eject him and he whacked two of them. We had to physically restrain him on the second floor, drag him back downstairs and shove him out a side door.
     "We finally got him out of the club but he fought! He was a wild man."

Roseanne: The famous sitcom star was another celeb who was tossed out of the club, Marini says. "Roseanne popped up on a Thursday night with two bodyguards and her behavior was atrocious," he recalls. "She was loud and obnoxious. There were a couple of scenes going on and Roseanne was mocking everybody and making off-color remarks.
     "She was telling her bodyguards things like, 'Go get a whip and crack that guy on the butt with it.' Some patrons like to observe these scenes only, others like to participate, but Roseanne was just interfering. We decided not to tolerate any more and eventually bounced her out."

Harrison Ford: The famous actor came by the club when he was in New York City filming "The Devil's Own" with Brad Pitt, Marini recalls. "Because we don't serve alcohol, whenever a celebrity would come in looking for a drink, we'd direct them to a bar a block up the street from us," says Marini.
     "The night Harrison came to The Vault, he had two blondes on his arm — hot-looking stripper-types like you see at go-go bars," Marini recalls. "The girls wore tight jeans and cutoff shirts highlighting their huge chests. Harrison's eyes were red.
     "They had all just come from a bar up the street. We got a phone call from the manager of the bar who knew Harrison because he'd been there a couple of times. The manager said to us, 'Listen, get Harrison out of The Vault. There are a couple of photographers around and he'll get nabbed.' They didn't want him to get in a jam doing what he was doing while still a 'happily married man.'
     "The girls were nuzzling him, playing with his hair, kissing his neck — they were all over him. These wouldn't have been good photographs for his wife to get her hands on.
     "The way we got him out of there was funny. At the time we had a coat check girl who was a neo-Nazi transvestite. She carried a walking stick, wore all the Third Reich gear — the whole bit. We interrupted his lovefest, pulled Harrison aside near the coat check, and said, 'You've gotta get out of here. There are photographers outside and you're going to get bagged.'
     "He scrambled into the neo-Nazi's check room and frantically pulled on a black raincoat. Then he grabbed a woman's black hat and yanked it all the way down over his face. He walked to the club's back door, exited into the night, hailed a cab and disappeared. He left the bimbos right there and didn't even tell them he was leaving.
     "About two days later a magnificent basket arrived. It was a basket of cheer — there was candy, champagne and assorted goodies.
     "Harrison had sent it, and inside was a note that said 'THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY ASS,' with his initials."

Robert Downey Jr. & Corey Feldman: "The night they came in Robert and Corey were mellow, but they looked blitzed, loaded!" Marini told the ENQUIRER. "They came to hang out and everybody recognized them.
     "Plenty of people were talking to them, too, but they were so polluted that they wound up hooking up with a pair of transvestites. And these were bad transvestites — guys that looked like Chinese food deliverymen wearing wigs.
     "Robert and Corey were openly making out with the transvestites, grabbing their behinds and fondling them. They spent the entire night at the club carrying on like this and left with the transvestites on their arms. It was as if they were courting."

Naomi Campbell: The gorgeous model visited the S&M den on several occasions, remembers Marini.
     "She appeared in provocative photos in Madonna's book 'SEX' and she came to the club a couple of times," he says.
     "Naomi was always with other girls when she came to the club. She was the type that would tell you to f--- off if you got to close to her and she didn't want you near. She wasn't afraid to tell off another patron if he invaded her personal space. I remember one time she visited she had a problem with somebody who was staring at her and she cursed the person out."

Mason Reese: The former child star, famous for his Underwood sandwich spread commercial, has been expelled for fighting at The Vault, Marini says.
     "Mason tells people he is a drummer, but nobody really knows who the heck he is," the club manager reveals. "He would always come alone. He is very short, bloated and his hair sticks out.
     "One night, a 6-foot-4 guy gazed over at him and Mason asked what the hell the guy was looking at. Mason got pummeled and we had to throw him out."

"Brady Bunch's" Susan Olsen: "She came in at 3:30 in the morning with two drag queen friends," Marini says. "They watched a scene involving a guy in a cage. Someone had a monkey and she stayed for a while because she was concerned about the monkey. Then they left."

Iggy Pop: The bizarre shock rocker arrived at The Vault shirtless, wearing tight jeans and leopard cowboy boots, Marini recalls. "Nobody knew who he was," Marini says, "but he had two Asian women with him that he was sort of escorting."
     Iggy and his friends began acting out an elaborate scene in which one woman sat in a "love chair" while the other woman acted the part of a doctor, wearing rubber gloves and examining her friend. "It really heated up after that," Marini recalls.

Robyn Griggs: The former "Another World" soap star enjoyed partying at the club, Marini says. "She was young, blonde and really hot," he recalls. "She would take her top off and fondle her topless girlfriend.
     "The Vault got a call from the attorneys for Proctor & Gamble, which owned 'Another World.' They were asking us if we'd seen Robyn Griggs engaging in lesbianism or illicit activity. We refused to confirm anything."
     The actress was eventually fired from the show.

"Sopranos" regular Lillo Brancato: The 24-year-old actor — who played stockbroker and Mafia-wanna-be Matthew Bevilaqua on the hit television series — got in trouble for playing a real-life bad guy at The Vault, according to Marini.
     "The guy flirts around with all the transvestite," Marini says. "The transvestites want to be treated like ladies, but Lillo gets too abusive. He'll say crude things to them like, 'Take your wig off, shave your mustache and give me sex.'
     "He treats these transvestites anything but polite. One night at The Vault, he had an altercation with a transvestite and as he was being shown the door, he reached over, picked up a fire extinguisher and smashed it over the transvestite's head.
     "We've thrown him out but he's a conflicted guy and will show up two weeks later begging to be let back in again."

Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee: "One night Tommy Lee came in with Pamela Anderson and a Pamela look-alike," says Marini. "All three were whacked out and staggering. They went up on the second floor where there was a piece of equipment used to tie people up and beat them.
     "Tommy bound both women, tying their bodies back-to-back in a torture chair. Right in front of everybody, he commenced smacking them and touching their breasts.
     "This was not done privately. As they were getting it on, an old guy in leather pants was ogling the whole scene. The man happened to be Claus von Bulow. It was weird."
     The next time Tommy and Pamela came to The Vault, they brought Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash, who would turn up at the club repeatedly, Marini says.
     Recalls Marini: "Slash and Tommy were messing around with Pamela at the bar, stroking her body and grabbing her buttocks. They started playing around with the equipment upstairs again and Tommy found a different woman eager to be tied to a rack. He was paddling her while Slash and Pamela partied."

Elle Macpherson: The internationally famous model came into The Vault several times, according to Marini, on one occasion accompanied by former Van Halen rocker David Lee Roth.
     "It was Halloween and they arrived well after midnight," Marini says. "Elle was dressed in a cat suit. In her costume, nobody really recognized her. She was cool, but Dave was really hyper and bounced around the whole club. He would see a couple of girls, make a funny remark and move on to something else."
     Elle returned another time with several model friends, Marini recalls.
     "The group of them were walking around watching guys in sex acts. Macpherson's group was watching one of our regular patrons put on a one-man show. The models and their friends were gawking and giggling — they didn't seem offended at all.
     It's not only TinselTown celebs who frequent The Vault, Marini and Gallo say. Famous folks from all walks of life show up at the S&M scene, including:

Big time political strategist Roger Stone and his wife Nikki: The former Bob Dole adviser and his wife were swingers and The Vault was a favorite haunt.
     "Roger and Nikki were our customers for a long time," Marini says. "They were heavy duty swingers and ran ads on the Internet and in many sex publications. They were heavy players."
     Roger was one of the top advisers who urged Dole and other Republican politicians to emphasize family values and integrity.
     "Regardless of his status in politics, Roger never came to the club in disguise," Marini recalls. "He looked like a Ken doll. He was tall, blond, handsome and muscular and his wife was curvaceous and very sexy. She would wear leather bras and tantalizing outfits and he would wear collars, chaps and a leather vest with no shirt underneath."
     Then in 1996, an ENQUIRER investigation revealed that Roger and his wife frequented group sex clubs and engaged in group sex orgies. In two blockbuster articles, we published evidence, including a shocking ad the couple had placed in a swingers' magazine soliciting lovers for group sex, a handwritten note arranging a sexual encounter, and revealing photos from sex magazines of Roger and Nikki barechested.
     Hours after The ENQUIRER story hit the stands, it was picked up by dailies around the country — and Dole's campaign ended its association with Roger Stone.

John Wayne Bobbitt: "He was the biggest retard the club has ever hosted," says Marini. "He started coming down regularly and he was the most illiterate person I'd ever had a conversation with. He would act like he thought he was Mel Gibson."

Joey Buttafuoco: "We got a call that Joey wanted to come down and he showed up with two other guys in a white stretch limo acting arrogantly," Marini says. "He was a rude and obnoxious bozo, but he really didn;t bother anybody."
     Marini and Gallo say they are writing an explosive book about the club, tentatively entitled "The Vault: Hollywood's Secret Playground." It is due to be published this summer, and although it's bound to shock the public with its scandalous revelations, the authors say they're not apologizing for any of the true-life tales they tell in their book.
     "Look," Marini says, "if you're a star or somebody famous and you don't want to be in the public eye, stay home.
     "Don't go out publicly, getting whopped in the butt with paddles and having sex with transvestites if you want to preserve your squeaky-clean image."

It would have been quite a scene if Heather showed up while Tommy and Pamela were there. Now that would make an interesting video.

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