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Who was St Chad?

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Vision Statement

The Anglican Parish of

St Chad's Chelsea

St Chad& Chelsea church drawing

Alpha logo Is Christianity Boring, Irrelevant, Untrue?
What is the relevance of Jesus today?
How do we deal with guilt?
What is the point of life?

What is Alpha?

The Alpha Course is an opportunity to explore the Meaning of Life
Alpha is a course for:
A nyone interested in finding out more about the Christian faith. People of all ages are welcome. Alpha is a course for everyone!
L earning and laughter. It answers the key questions at the heart of the Christian faith in an atmosphere of fun, laughter and relaxation.
P asta, pudding & people. Sharing a meal together gives people an opportunity to know one another and make new friends.
H elping one another The small group discussions give to discuss issues from the talks and raise their own personal issues.
A sking anything. Alpha is a place where no question is regarded as too simple or too hostile.

The course runs for one afternoon/evening for 10 weeks and includes one day away. It consists of a series of talks looking at topics such as 'Who Is Jesus?' and 'Why and How Do I Pray?'. After each talk we divide into small groups and discuss any questions raised from the talks.

There is no charge for the course , although you may be invited to contribute toward the meal if you wish.

St Chad's parish centre set up for Alpha
Parish centre ready for an Alpha evening