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Has RAFAEL a license to cheat?

האם היתה כאן קנוניה?
הסיפור המלא
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  You corrupted! We're fed up!

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"We have guided missiles and misguided men."  -Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)

I have been a physicist, an expert for infrared technology and complex warfare systems.  My Israeli employer - RAFAEL - coerced me to retire, because I was a WHISTLEBLOWER.  The "misguided men" apparently knew that I would not agree to retire.  Allegedly they conspired with a small business firm in NJ, USA, M.L. Energia, Inc. This tiny "less than arm length" firm has been owned by Moshe and Nira Lavid, a married couple - Israelis who live in the U.S.A. since the 1970s.  There is a reason to believe the Lavids have maintained a networking with few officers of RAFAEL.  Why would RAFAEL attempt to get rid of me?  The background is illustrated below.

My legal actions in the U.S.A.

My legal actions in Israel
  • LIBEL Case openned Jan 14, 1997, at Magistrate Court in Petach Tikva
    Status:  appeal revoked at the Israeli Supreme Court in Jerusalem
                file 4685/99 had been filed Mar 13, 2002; Hebrew
  • Breach of Contract Case 2-91/97 at Regional Labor Court in Jerusalem
    Status:  Sup. Ct. petition 5980/02 pending regarding Docket No. 4701/98 at Labor Court in Haifa
  • TRUTH is HATE to those who HATE the TRUTH


        My story might have started in 1986, when I was a System Engineer at a the manufacturing plant in RAFAEL.  My colleague (an economist of the air-to-air manufacturing HQ, Mr. Michael Cahn) asked me to help him investigating missing monies, about a million dollars ($1,000,000).  Mr. Cahn found that despite a technical upgrade (that I had approved as the Head of the Committee for Technical Changes) making the production more economy, it was reported (by the vendors) to be produced at the previous higher costs.  Mr. Cahn and I investigated this matter and found that indeed the hardware was produced as I had approved, but the costly bills reflected the older technology.

        A few days later, I was alerted by the deputy manager of the manufacturing plant that we (Mr. Cahn and I) erred.  Despite the recent technical change, the reflected the actual manufacturing costs.  Moreoevr, I was advised not to "waste additional time" dealing with this investigation, otherwise I might be harmed. . .  In spite of this threat, I testified in this matter before investigators nominated by the Israeli Ministry of Defense.  The 1990 annual report of the Israeli Comptroller General published (ibid. page 870) that there were over $22 million dollars missing at RAFAEL, without a reasonable explanation.

        During 1987-1990 I was acting as project manager, developing a unique system for the U.S. Marine Corps and the Israeli Air Force.  In 1989, I signed on behalf of RAFAEL a contract with TAMAM, subsidiary of IAI - Israeli Aircraft Industry by the amount of $13,550,000 ($9,5M U.S. funds and the rest Israeli funds).   I was reporting monthly (CDRL A018) to the U.S. Marine Corps via IAI.  Then I discovered that the reported working hours quite exceeded my long term plans.

        It was Mr. Giora Shalgi currently CEO of RAFAEL but then the head of Missiles Division (the boss of my boss at RAFAEL) who was concerned that the project, (which I directed) was quite successful (i.e. not losing moneys) unlike other projects in his division.  Undeniably, Mr. Giora Shalgi instructed others to report on "my" project's account.  I outraged and demanded that all the workers who reported improperly should immediately amend their hourly reports (i.e. return all the robbed working hours).  Consequently, I was advised by Shalgi's deputy that my behavior in this regard "would not be tolerated".

        Nonetheless in June 1990, before I left for a (two years) sabbatical I was tentatively assigned to a respected position, following my anticipated return in September 1992.  It was written in my personal file that if I did not return to RAFAEL from Sabbatical, it might have adversely affected our department.  Surprisingly, a year later Mr. Giora Shalgi offered me to retire at age of 46 years, being paid forty percent (40%) lifetime pension.  Conditionally I accepted this offer, only if I would be recruited by OpGal (a daughter company of RAFAEL located near my home in Karmiel).  This condition has never been fulfilled, and thus, my resignation from RAFAEL was revoked.  To coerce my resignation they planted a libelious letter in my personal file depicting me as "a security an a commercial risk" to anyone who would deal with me.

        At the end of my sabbatical term I returned from New Jersey to Israel.  RAFAEL refused to respond any of my terms.  Moreover, as a result of this libelous letter maliciously planted in my personal file at RAFAEL I was unable to obtain any decent job with RAFAEL or elsewhere.  I became quite frustrated.  No one would help me with it, and I had to find out all the answers by myself, alone.

    Some open questions

    1. Why is there a missing stamp-of-incoming-mail on the two libeluous letters that Dr. Moshe Lavid (M.L. Energia, Inc. in NJ) sent to Dr. Zehava Shmueli (RAFAEL, Israel)?
    2. Why has the Israeli State Attorney volunteered to defend seven employees of RAFAEL sued over libel?   A note: According to the Israeli law the State may not be deemed liable for damages caused by a libel or a transgression of privacy.  Only the individual(s), who caused such damage(s) might be found liable and guilty, either in civil and/or criminal proceedings.
    3. Why has RAFAEL refused to show me my personal file, in complete disregard of an order issued (November 6, 1994) by the Regional Labor Court in Jerusalem?
    4. Why has the State Attorney disregarded a decision of the Israeli Supreme Court 453/87 (dealing with a similar case)?

    Would the Israeli Supreme Court cover-up corruption?

    As a WHISTLEBLOWER I have paid a very serious price for my moral acts.   The establishment has retaliated against me.   Still I attempted to file criminal charges against those Israeli public officials, who allegedly violated my rights.   The Counsel for the Israeli Government has entitled them qualified immunity from my actions.   In my petition 3434/98 (see below) I contended that the Counsel for the Government and the State Attorney are disregarding that these public officials had improperly extended their duties and intentionally transgressed my privacy libeling against me.   They did it in an attempt to cover-up ultimate corruption and crimes within RAFAEL, the Israeli Armament Development Authority.  I revoked my petition on Oct 14, 1999, having the understanding that the Attorney General would investigate the odd relationships that Dr. Moshe Lavid has apparently had with high ranked officials at RAFAEL.

    Other cases exposing conspiracy against civil servants:

    1. RAFAEL is ordered by Supreme Court in the matter of Dr. Arnon Bone
    2. RAFAEL is condemned by Supreme Court in the matter of Mr. Israel F.

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