
GAME 65  --->
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Game 65 : $2,000,000 Jackpot

Christian Brand - Marin County, CA - Grad Student
Angela Lippin - Las Vegas, NV - Writer
Bruce Westbrook - Mesquite, TX - Event Producer
Ed Kenner - Las Vegas, NV - Mortgage Broker
Alex Cain - Aspen, CO - Sales
Brad DeMoss - Palo Alto, CA - Systems Manager

Qualifying Question:  How many boxes of Jell-O gelatin are purchased in the US every minute?  Answer: 594.

Christian 120 3rd
Angela 150 2nd
Bruce 108 4th
Alex 100 5th
Brad 350 1st **CAPTAIN**

Alex is a comic book collector - her main collection contains lots of Donald Duck comics.  And what does she need to buy more?  GREED!   So here it comes:

For $25,000 - Which of these is most likely to use a tackle box?
Is it...Butcher, Baker, Candlestick maker, or Fisherman?
Alex says Fisherman, Brad accepts it, and they're right for $25,000!

Bruce hosts foreign exchange students who eat A LOT!!  He needs some cash to buy more food for them to chow down...so here's his $50,000 question.

For $50,000 - Where should a person matriculate?
Is it...Bedroom, Bathroom, Hospital, or College?
Bruce says Bedroom, Brad rejects it and says college, and Brad's right for $50,000!

Christian's family hosted a family from Tonga when he was younger.  He could make his way back to those South Pacific islands with the cash from this $75,000 question:

For $75,000 - Quicken is intended to assist you with what?
Is it...Typing speed, Accounting/Money management, Faster internet connections, Graphics design, or Car navigation?
Christian says Faster Internet Connections, Brad rejects it AGAIN, saying Accounting/Money Management, and Brad's on a roll! They're right for $75,000!

Angela has a Master's in Turkish Studies!  Ready to go to Turkey, Angela?  You might have that chance if you (or Brad) get this question:

For $100,000 - Which event does NOT take place once every four years?
Is it...Summer Olympics, Leap year, Nobel Prize Awards, U.S. Presidential Elections, Men's World Cup Soccer Championship?
Angela says World Cup, Brad rejects it AGAIN, saying Nobel Prize Awards, and Brad's playing alone here; they've got $100,000!

The $200,000 category is:  Fruits and Vegetables
Does Brad want to keep the cash, or does he feel the need for Greed?
He's got the need!  They're moving on!

And the Terminator is about to make its choice...right after this quick word from the home of "Greed: The Recap," StormSeeker.com.  Be sure to stay tuned to StormSeeker.com as more games debut, more fun is had, and the re-premiere of the all new 'Net Million Dollar Mayhem takes place! 

The Terminator is on the prowl...and it's chosen Alex!
She's going to take the $10,000 and challenge Christian!

Terminator Question:
What popular jeans company was co-founded by George Marciano?  Christian rings in and says...nothing.  So Alex stays in the game...it was "Guess."

Alex:  Playing for $80,000; $10,000 in pocket
Brad:  Playing for $40,000
Angela:  Playing for $40,000
Bruce:  Playing for $40,000
Christian:  OUT

For $200,000:
Which four did most people choose as their least favorite vegetables, according to a Bon Appetit survey?

They save the freebie.

Bruce's choice Lima Beans Spinach Brad's 2nd choice (chg from Angela's)
Brad's choice Okra Brussels Sprouts Alex's choice
Angela's choice Broccoli Cauliflower  

Is Okra correct?  Yes!
Is Lima Beans correct?  Yes!
Is Brussels Sprouts correct?   Yes!

Chuck's got $20,000...and he would love to give it to Brad and his team if they're not sure.  He's got second thoughts about changing Broccoli to Spinach.  So he's going to keep the cash.  

So was it Broccoli or was it Spinach?  NEITHER!!  It was cauliflower!

Alex:  $15,000
Brad:  $5,000
Angela: $5,000
Bruce:  $5,000

Game 66 : $2,000,000 Jackpot

Beth Davis - Boca Raton, FL - Student
Cassandra Beal - New York, NY - Ad Sales
Ron Mills - Fort Worth, TX - Ad Consultant
Mark Slippock - Granada Hills, CA - Sports Agent
Pamela Billow - Las Vegas, NV - Credit Manager
Leonard Castillo - Covina, CA - Distribution Manager

Qualifying Question:  How many consecutive weeks did Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" remain on the Billboard 200 chart?  Answer: 741.

Beth 100 4th
Ron 120 3rd
Mark 500 1st **CAPTAIN**
Pamela 200 2nd
Leonard 52 5th

Leonard is a salsa dancer with many partners.  How can he afford it all?  Maybe he can't; that's why he's going for this $25,000 question:

For $25,000 - What should you do with a Chia Pet?
Is it...Water it, Walk it, Neuter it, or Housebreak it?
Leonard says Water it, Mark accepts it, and they're right for $25,000!

Beth surprised her parents by showing up in Iceland when they visited.  Here's her question:

For $50,000 - Nokia, Motorola, and Ericsson are top producers of what?
Is it...Mobile phones, Motorcycles, Combination locks, or Automatic garage doors?
Beth says Mobile phones, Mark accepts it, and they're right for $50,000!

Ron was Mark Spitz's roommate in 1968, and has a bronze medal!  Here's his $75,000 question:

For $75,000 - What meat describes a politician's self-serving pet projects?
Is it...Mutton, Veal, Pork, Prime rib, or Chuck?
Ron says Mutton, Mark rejects it and says Prime rib, but they're BOTH wrong.  So we won't even meet Pamela, who collects Barbie dolls.  It was Pork.

Game 67 : $2,000,000 Jackpot

R.M. Winer - Malden, MA - Grad Student
Stacey Miller - Missouri City, TX - Teacher
David Eisenberg - Massapequa, NY - Sales Manager
Avery Atkins - Rockwell, TX - Real Estate
Rich Wilkes - Oceanside, CA - Screenwriter
Brian Dean - Las Vegas, NV - Sports Book Operator

Qualifying Question:  What is the average weight, in pounds, of a Steinway grand piano?  Answer: 708.

R.M. 540 5th
Stacey 600 4th
Avery 740 1st **CAPTAIN**
Rich 800 3rd
Brian 630 2nd

R.M. danced on tables in London as a waiter.  He can go back to London with this $25,000 question:

For $25,000 - What phrase has been associated with cartoonist Robert Ripley?
Is it...Believe it or not, Take it or leave it, Connect the dots, or Get a life?
R.M. says Believe it or not, Avery accepts it, and they're right for $25,000!

Stacey loves the Houston Rockets, and she mowed down kids to shake Clyde Drexler's hand.  Well, he doesn't coach the Houston college team anymore, so she'll have to find another use for this $50,000:

For $50,000 - Before cable, what did people use to improve TV reception?
Is it...Cat whiskers, Cricket wings, Rabbit ears, or Ram horns?
Stacey says Rabbit ears, Avery accepts it, and they've won $50,000!

Rich has got that "pretty-boy" look, and drove to Outer Mongolia in a Jeep.  So here we go.  It's $75,000:  Listen to the $75,000 question!

For $75,000 - Which game is played without balls?
Is it...Lacrosse, Snooker, Roulette, Polo, or Curling?
Rich says Curling, Avery accepts it, and they're right for $75,000!

Brian is a sports bet agent, and took a $330,000 bet on the Rams.

For $100,000 - Which of these states has two U.S. female senators?
Is it...AZ, MA, CA, RI, or TX?
Brian says California, Avery accepts it, and they've got $100,000!

The $200,000 category is:  Fast Food Icons
Does Avery want to keep the cash, or does she feel the need for Greed?
She's got the need!  They're moving on!

And the Terminator is about to make its choice...and it's chosen Stacey!  
She's going to take the $10,000 and challenge R.M.!

Terminator Question:
Who was the first woman to be a solo host of the Oscar telecast?  R.M. rings in and says "Whoopi Goldberg."  He's right!

R.M.:  Playing for $80,000
Avery:  Playing for $40,000
Brian:  Playing for $40,000
Rich:  Playing for $40,000
Stacey:  OUT with $10,000

For $200,000:
Which four are found on Colonel Sanders (the cartoon version)?

They save the freebie.

Avery's choice Glasses Cane Brian's choice
Rich's choice Tie Straw Hat  
R.M.'s choice White Suit Cigar  

Is White Suit correct?  Yes!
Is Glasses correct?  Yes!
Is Cane correct?   Yes!

Chuck's got $20,000...and he would love to give it to Avery and her team if they're not sure.  She doesn't want the cash though (she's absolutely positive), so they're going on!

Is Tie correct?  YES!! They've got $200,000!

The $500,000 category is:  Rock Superstars
Does Avery want to keep the cash, or does she feel the need for Greed?
They want to go - no hesitation!

And the Terminator is about to make its choice...and it's chosen Rich!  
He's going to take the $10,000 and challenge Avery, the captain!

Terminator Question:
The name of what psychic toy comes from the French and German words for...?  Tony rings in:  "Ouija."  And he's right!

R.M.:  Playing for $200,000
Rich:  Playing for $200,000; $10,000 in pocket
Brian:  Playing for $100,000
Stacey:  OUT with $10,000
Avery:  OUT

For $500,000:
Which four grossed the most from 1990's concerts?

They use their freebie to eliminate Billy Joel.

Rich's 3rd choice (changed Brian's) Elton John Rolling Stones Rich's 1st choice
Brian's choice Grateful Dead Billy Joel FREEBIE
R.M.'s choice U2 Eagles Rich's 2nd choice
  Spice Girls    

Is Rolling Stones correct?  Yes! ($751 million)
Is U2 correct?  Yes! ($283 million)
Is Eagles correct?   Yes! ($197 million)

Chuck's got $50,000 this time...and he would love to give it to Rich and his team if they're not sure.  He doesn't want the cash though, so they're going on!

Is Elton John correct?  NO!  Brian had it right.

Rich:  $10,000
Stacey:  $10,000

AND WE'RE OUT OF TIME!!  Tune in for the next edition of Greed next TUESDAY, April 25th at 9/8C, and we'll have a new team!