May 12, 2000

GAME 76 ---->

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GAME 78  --->
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GAME 79  --->
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Welcome to Super Greed!

Listen to Chuck explain the new Tower of Greed! (RealPlayer required.)

Last time on Greed... (RealPlayer required.)

We welcome back our team who has a decision to make:  Phyllis, Lauren, and David.

Listen to the question & most of the answers... (RealPlayer required; LARGE FILE)

Now here's another interesting wrinkle of Super Greed.  Once a team decides to go for the $2,000,000 question (or beyond), a safety net is placed below them.  They're guaranteed to leave with $200,000 no matter what.   So here's where the money stands as of right now:

Lauren:  Playing for $800,000; $80,000 guaranteed; $10,000 in pocket
David:  Playing for $800,000; $80,000 guaranteed
Phyllis:  Playing for $400,000; $40,000 guaranteed

The $2,000,000 category is:  The '90s
Does Phyllis want to keep the cash, or does s he feel the need for Greed?
Lauren wants to go.  David wants to stop. GOING!

And the Terminator is about to make its choice...and it's chosen the captain, Phyllis!  
She doesn't want to challenge, so we're going on.

Listen to the answers being revealed... (RealPlayer required; LARGE FILE)

For $2,000,000:
Which four happened in the '90s?

  Berlin Wall falls Jerry Garcia dies Lauren's choice
  Original Nintendo system introduced in the United States Exxon Valdez disaster  
David's 1st choice Clarence Thomas appointed to U.S. Supreme Court Michael Jackson weds Lisa Marie Presley Phyllis' choice
David's 2nd choice Johnny Carson does his last Tonight show New Coke is introduced  

Is Garcia correct?  Yes!
Is Jackson/Lisa Marie correct?  Yes!
Is Johnny Carson correct?   Yes!

No keys this time.  Those cars are already spoken for.  So Chuck's got a sickening amount of cash:  $150,000 for each player!  They get to decide individually whether to go on - and they lock in their decisions after MUCH thought.

Is David going?  YES!
Is Lauren going?  YES!
Is Phyllis going?  YES!

So let's find out...for $2,000,000:

Is Clarence Thomas correct?  YES!! And they've got $2,000,000!!!

Lauren:  Playing for $1,600,000; $80,000 guaranteed; $10,000 in pocket
David:  Playing for $1,600,000; $80,000 guaranteed
Phyllis:  Playing for $800,000; $40,000 guaranteed

The $4,000,000 category is:  Prime-Time Hits
It doesn't matter what Phyllis wants to do - because it's another individual decision.

Is David going?  No!  He wins $800,000!
Is Lauren going?  No!  She wins $810,000!
Is Phyllis going?  No!  She wins $400,000!

Aaron also won $10,000 in a terminator on the last show.

Game 77 : $4,000,000 Jackpot

Micki Copenhaver - Redondo Beach, CA - Paralegal
Charley Rossman - La Habra Heights, CA - Lawyer
Juliana Boucherd - Leominster, MA - Student
Bob Papenbrook - San Diego, CA - Post-Production
Kenny Snider - Hampton, VA - Writer

Kenny skydives, dune buggies, and considers himself a daredevil.

For $25,000 - Which would a humiliated person eat?
Is it...Shepherd's pie, Humble pie, Mincemeat pie, Moon pie?
Kenny says Humble Pie, Micki accepts it, and they're right for $25,000!

Bob does lots of voices for cartoons, including monsters.

For $50,000 - Which is the nickname for the British flag?
Is it...Skip Jack, Union Jack, Apple Jack, or Cracker Jack?
Bob says Union Jack, Micki accepts it, and they've won $50,000!

Juliana reads a book a day - 1500 pages a week!

For $75,000 - Which ad icon wears an earring?
Is it...Pillsbury Doughboy, Tony the Tiger, Michelin Man, Mr. Clean, or Ronald McDonald?
Juliana says Mr. Clean, Micki accepts it, and they're right for $75,000!

Charley is a rugby and football player.

For $100,000 - If you got a Head Titanium, what did you receive?
Is it...Wristwatch, Metal Detector, Fountain Pen, Tennis Racket, or Football Helmet?
Charley says Tennis Racket.  Micki accepts it.  They're right!  They've got $100,000!

The $200,000 category is:  Famous Song Lyrics
Does Micki want to keep the cash, or does she feel the need for Greed?
She's got the need!  They're moving on!

And the Terminator is about to make its choice...and it's chosen Kenny!  
He's going to take the $10,000 and challenge the captain, Micki!

Terminator Question:
How many dozens are in a gross?  Kenny rings in and says "4."  He's wrong - it's 12 - and Micki stays in the game! Kenny leaves with $10,000

Micki:  Playing for $80,000
Charley:  Playing for $40,000
Juliana:  Playing for $40,000
Bob:  Playing for $40,000
Kenny:  OUT with $10,000

For $200,000:
Which four phrases appear in The Star Spangled Banner?

They save the freebie.

Charley's choice Rocket's red glare Amber waves of grain
Home of the brave Twilight's last gleaming Bob's choice
Juliana's choice Dawn's early light Let freedom ring Micki's choice

Is Rocket's red glare correct?  Yes!
Is Twilight's last gleaming correct?  Yes!
Is Dawn's early light correct?   Yes!

Chuck's got $20,000...and he would love to give it to Micki and her team if they're not sure.  She doesn't want the cash though, and her team is highly unhappy about it - because they know...

She's WRONG!  It was "Home of the brave."

Kenny:  $10,000

Game 78 : $4,000,000 Jackpot

Jong Lee - Los Angeles, CA - Grad Student
Kent Komomo - Livermore, CA - Editorial Librarian
Teresa Trezevant - Memphis, TN - Secretary
Jake Oliver - New York, NY - Public Relations
Amanda Marks - New York, NY - Advertising Copywriter

Amanda goes to swing dance camp!

For $25,000 - Which is a common form filled out by U.S. taxpayers?
Is it...1040, 1230, 1490, or 1600?
Amanda says 1040, Jong accepts it, and they're right for $25,000!

Jake has a look about him...can't put my finger on it.  But he was a banana shover...(?)

For $50,000 - What is foosball?
Is it...Table-top soccer, Chinese hors d'oeuvre, Floating pool cleaner, or Fortune teller's prop?
Jake says Table-top soccer, Jong accepts it, and they've won $50,000!

Teresa is from my current town - Memphis!

For $75,000 - Which is both a hip-hop artist and a brand of boxing gloves?
Is it...DMX, Jay-Z, Everlast, Coolio, or Public Enemy?
Teresa says Everlast, Jong accepts it, and they're right for $75,000!

Kent broke his arm playing soccer - in September!

For $100,000 - What company has its headquarters at Checkerboard Square?
Is it...GM, Hershey, Blockbuster, Ralston-Purina, or Paramount Pictures?
Kent says Ralston-Purina, Jong accepts it, and they're right for $100,000!

The $200,000 category is:  Popular Cookies
Does Jong want to keep the cash, or does he feel the need for Greed?
He's got the need!  They're moving on!

And the Terminator is about to make its choice...and it's chosen Jake!  
He's going to take the $10,000 and challenge Kent!

Terminator Question:
What instrument are you playing if you're tickling the ivories?  Kent rings in and says "Piano."  He's right!

Kent:  Playing for $80,000
Jong:  Playing for $40,000
Teresa:  Playing for $40,000
Amanda:  Playing for $40,000

Jake:  OUT with $10,000

For $200,000:
Which four are varieties of Pepperidge Farm cookies?

They use the freebie, eliminating .

FREEBIE Iberia Milano Teresa's choice
Jong's 2nd choice (changed from his first choice) Chattanooga Chesapeake Amanda's choice
Kent's choice Sausalito Chessmen Jong's 1st choice

Is Milano correct?  Yes!
Is Chesapeake correct?  Yes!
Is Sausalito correct?   Yes!

Chuck's got $20,000...and he would love to give it to Jong and his team if they're not sure.  He's going to take it, too...

Is Chattanooga correct?  NO!  Good thing they bailed.

Jake:  $10,000
All Others:  $5,000

Game 79: $4,000,000 Jackpot

Ernie Avila - West Covina, CA - Daniel Avila's brother
Deborah MacIlwaine - Beverly Hills, CA - Entrepreneur
Elizabeth Rogers - Santa Monica, CA - Filmmaker
Jared Bielow - Norwich, CT - Writer
Monique Jones - Omaha, NE - CFO

Return to the main page to see how Ernie's brother did when HE climbed the Tower of Greed on November 4, 11, AND 18.  Also visit the Greed sounds page for audio from Dan Avila's appearance! But now...back to the game!

Monique travels to NYC to see plays!

For $25,000 - Name the popular sound-activated on-off switch.
Is it...Snapper, Clapper, Tapper, or Rapper?
Monique says Clapper, Ernie accepts it, and they're right for $25,000!

Jared loves to travel - and wants to see the world!

For $50,000 - Cargo, Carpenter, and Parachute are all what types of clothes?
Is it...Shirts, Hats, Pants, or Vests?
Jared says Pants, Ernie accepts it, and they've won $50,000!

Elizabeth went tandem hang-gliding in Rio!

For $75,000 - How many Russian cosmonauts have set foot on the moon?
Is it...0,2,3,4 or 6?
Elizabeth says Zero, Ernie accepts it, and they're right for $75,000!

Deborah has a company which produces a self-tanning lotion!

For $100,000 - Which is NOT a color of Tic Tac?
Is it...White, Yellow, Green, Orange, or Red?
Deborah says Yellow.  Ernie accepts it.  They're right!  They've got $100,000!

AND WE'RE OUT OF TIME!!  Tune in for the next edition of Super Greed FRIDAY, MAY 19th at 9/8C, and we'll see if this team goes for $200,000 [of course they will!!].  And watch for the Super Greed summary next Friday night here on!!