Greed - 11/4/99 Ep. 2

Game 3:  $2,100,000 Jackpot (continued)

Welcome back to Teddy, Michelle, Richie, Tim, and Michael.  When we last left off, Richie had just correctly answered the $25,000 question.  Let's continue.

Michelle - for $50,000:
In 1954, what company introduced the TV dinner?

Stouffer's Birds Eye
Banquet Swanson

Michelle selects Swanson, Tim confirms it, and they win $50,000!

Michael - for $75,000:
Which of these films was NOT directed by Steven Spielberg?

ET Raiders of the Lost Ark
Jurassic Park The Empire Strikes Back
Saving Private Ryan  

Michael knows his movies, he selects The Empire Strikes Back, Tim confirms it, and they win $75,000!

Teddy - for $100,000:
"Kick flip," "ollie," "tailslide," and "540 on a half-pipe" are terms used in what activity?

figure skating beach volleyball
soccer skateboarding

Teddy picks skateboarding, Tim confirms it, and they've won $100,000!

The $200,000 category is:  Beverages
And they're going on!

But wait! Here's the Terminator!  And it's chosen Michael!  Is he going to take the $10,000 to challenge?  He does -- and challenges Richie (to a dance)!

Challenge Question:
How many crayons were in an original Crayola crayon box?  Michael buzzes in:  "12."  But he's wrong, it was 8!  So Richie survives, and Michael leaves with $10,000.

For $200,000:
Which of these are the four best-selling Kool-Aid flavors?

Tim Lemonade Orange FREEBIE
Richie Cherry Iced Tea  
Teddy Tropical Punch Grape Michelle

They use their freebie, eliminating Orange.

Is Grape correct?  Yes!
Is Cherry correct?  Yes!
Is Tropical Punch correct?   Yes!

Now, does Tim want to take the out and split $20,000 four ways?  No.  So here we go....

Is Lemonade correct?   YES!

So we move on:

The $500,000 category is:  Bill Gates
They decide to take the money and run!!

So, the total winnings for Game 3:
Richie:  $80,000
Tim:  $40,000
Teddy:  $40,000
Michelle:  $40,000
Michael:  $10,000

Game 4 : $2,150,000 Jackpot

Sandy Dicey
Howard Brenner
Brian Pena
Robert Abramoff
Linda Luwek
Christopher Middleton

Qualifying Question:  Luciano Pavarotti holds the world record for most curtain calls with how many?  Answer: 165.

Sandy 25 (finished 1st) 1st **CAPTAIN**
Howard 25 (finished 2nd) 2nd
Robert 23 3rd
Linda 15 (finished 2nd) 5th
Christopher 150 (finished 1st) 4th

Linda - for $25,000:
What company introduced the Walkman?

Aiwa Sony
Panasonic Toshiba

Linda selects Sony, Sandy confirms it, and they win $25,000!

Christopher - for $50,000:
Which show business brothers were not actually related?

Marx Brothers Righteous Brothers
Smothers Brothers Wayans Brothers

Christopher selects the Righteous Brothers, Sandy confirms it, and they win $50,000!

Robert - for $75,000:
Which of the following can be found in a bag of Hershey's Miniatures?

Twix Snickers
Mr. Goodbar Three Musketeers
Milky Way  

Robert picks Mr. Goodbar, Sandy confirms it (her daughter's favorite), and they win $75,000!

Howard - for $100,000:
In the Coppertone ad, what type of dog is tugging on the Coppertone girl's shirt?

Poodle Beagle
Chihuahua Cocker Spaniel

Howard picks Cocker Spaniel, Sandy confirms it, and they win $100,000!

The $200,000 category is:  Comic Strips
And they're going on!

But wait! Here's the Terminator!  And it's chosen Robert!  Is he going to take the $10,000 to challenge?  He does -- and challenges Christopher!

Challenge Question:
What company's super heavyweight motorcycles are called "Hogs?"  Christopher answers "Harley-Davidson," but Robert buzzed in first!  So he wins, and Christopher goes home with nothing!

For $200,000:
Which four characters appear in the comic strip "Peanuts"?

Robert Franklin Pig Pen Sandy
  Zonker Peppermint Patty Howard
Linda Woodstock Milhouse  

And they have a freebie, but decide not to use it.

Is Franklin correct?  Yes!
Is Pig Pen correct?  Yes!
Is Peppermint Patty correct?   Yes!

Now, does Sandy want to take the out and split $20,000 four ways?  No.  So here we go....

Is Woodstock correct?   YES!

So, they win $200,000 and continue to the $500,000 question!

The $500,000 category is:  Timeline
And they're going on!

But first...the Terminator is back!  And it's chosen Linda!  Is she going to take the $10,000 to challenge?  She does -- and challenges Russell, who already has 2/5 of the pie!

Challenge Question:
The Supremes, Stevie Wonder, and Marvin Gaye put what small Detroit record company on the map?  Robert buzzes in and answers:  "Motown."  He's right and he now has 3/5 of the pie!!!! Linda leaves with $10,000!

For $500,000:
Which of these were the first four introduced to America?

Sandy MTV Compact Disc FREEBIE
Robert Big Mac Saturday Night Live Howard
Robert Ms. Magazine Energizer Bunny  
  Cabbage Patch Dolls    

They use the freebie, eliminating compact disc.  Sandy mumbles that didn't help.

Is MTV correct?  Yes!
Is Big Mac correct?  Yes!
Is SNL correct?   Yes!

Now, does Sandy want to take the out and split $50,000 four ways?  No.  So here we go....

Is Ms. Magazine correct?   YES!

So they can keep going!

The $1,000,000 category is:  Advertising
They take the money and run!

Total winnings for Game 4:
Robert:  $300,000 (3/5 of total) + $10,000 terminator win**
Sandy:  $100,000
Howard:  $100,000
Linda:  $10,000
Christopher: $0

** Robert is now the fourth biggest prime time game show money winner ever (as of 11/18/99)!

Game 5 : $2,200,000 Jackpot

Ward Boland
Melissa Skirboll
Daniel Avila
Jackie Brickman
Curtis Warren
James Culligan

Qualifying Question:  How many spaces are there on a standard Scrabble board?  Answer: 225.

Melissa 300 3rd, by time
Daniel 250 1st **CAPTAIN**
Jackie 120 4th
Curtis 150 2nd, by time
James 80 5th

AND WE'RE OUT OF TIME!  Watch for Greed next Thursday, November 11, on your local Fox station!


More stats coming soon!

On the two episodes which aired on 11/4/99, $760,000 was given away.

30 contestants were seen, 25 made it to teams, four of those teams (20 people in all) played the actual game, with a total of 6 players being eliminated (1 each in games 1 & 3, 2 each in games 2 & 4).

Fewest remaining on a team at the end of the game:  3 (twice)