A Collage and Journaling Challenge

Recently on the Yahoo Group Collage Cats a challenge was presented to do a collage a day for 14 days using up some of our hoarded art supplies! And to do a journal page about each collage. I will be putting those collages here on my website. (without the journal pages.)

Here are the pages I have done so far. Click on each to see a larger version. THOUGHTS
Feb. 13th, 2003
Valentines Day
Feb. 15
In the first collage I did for this challenge. I used a "saying" I had been saving for some reason and an interesting picture I had also been saving. The paper and other things in the collage were just from my box of miscellaneous items. The theme may not be fully translated by the pictures but I liked the colors and they way they look together.
On my second day of the challenge I returned to the same box to select my items, this time using some handmade paper I had really been "hoarding."
I notice that on my first two pages I seem quite taken with pinks and reds.... you don't "suppose it could have anything to do with it being Valentine's Day? On the third day I used BLUE and white and no doubt was influenced by all the snow outside! And the blueness of my mood relating to that snow.


I will be adding some links about collaging soon. If you have a good one, let me know.

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