Ryan D. Godsey

A little bit about myself. I attend the Arkansas School for Mathematics and Sciences (ASMS) which is located in Hot Springs, AR. ASMS is dedicated to promoting Arkansas to be the top state in the areas of Mathematics and Sciences by the year 2000. It is one of the best schools in the nation. It's strongest departments are Mathematics, Sciences, and Humanities. For more information on ASMS, go to the link.

Okay, enough about that. Music is, of course, one of my favorite things. You will find lots of cool stuff about MY favorite groups on this page. If you happen to have anything you think I will deem worthy, send it to me as an attachment to ryang@asms3.dsc.k12.ar.us.

Like you care about this?

My second favorite time wasting activity is yo-yoing. I usually yo-yo with a Duncan imperial, but I have found that the Duncan Butterflies are good for some tricks. The coolest yo-yo that I have ever seen is a silver-plated yo-yo, and I just happen to own it. If you like yo-yoing and want to talk about it with me, drop me a line at either of my addresses.

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Comments at ryang@asms3.dsc.k12.ar.us or dissident@juno.com

Attachments ONLY at ryang@asms3.dsc.k12.ar.us