About Me

Who am I in real life?

My name is David Atherton. I'm male (like you couldn't guess!), 20 (in 2000), and currently studying a physics degree At Manchester University, England. I finished two years at Peter Symonds College in Winchester in which I took A-levels in Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Physics. If you're interested in the great time I had there then please visit the photo site. I'm into virtually all sorts of music, from rock to pop to dance (especially big beat), and run the terrorvision mailing list.

Why is my online nickname Starcrunch?

Good Question. I fell in love with the name after seeing Man or Astroman...? play live at the Phoenix Festival in England in 1995. I saw the name in the program and just thought - Whoa! that's way too cool!!
Since then I've used it all the time on the web. It's useful to have an alias, and means you can keep some anonymity. Sadly Starcrunch has left MOAM, but the band is still going strong.

How can I get in touch?

Either Email me at starcrunch@superstar-djs.freeserve.co.uk or contact me via ICQ. If I'm online at the moment then you can visit my personal communication center and send me an instant message, otherwise my ICQ number is 21202875 and I'll most likely be happy to talk.

Heres a few links that probably aren't of interest:

Homepage of Man or Astroman

Starcrunch - The band
Starcrunch Snack
Starcrunch Biscuits


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© 2000 David Atherton