Social Distortion

Back when Punk Rock was riding its continuing wave to popularity, this once small cluster of towns better known as Orange County was about to make its now legedary mark on music. Bands like The Descendents, Circle Jerks, The Adolescents and Social Distortion were breaking ground and building a following through suburban youth. Social Distortion's first full length album was released in 1993 and titled, Mommy's Little Monster, and their second release, Prison Bound, wasn't released until 1988, a lengthy five years later. But frontman, Mike Ness explains "It never worked for me to make a record, go out on a tour, then come home and write another one. I have to live for a while - otherwise, what am I gonna write about, the tour?" After three more releases; Social Distortion(1990), Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell(1992), and the newest, White Light White Heat White Trash, this band has built a solid foundation in O.C. punk. The new Social D sound is sharp and edgy with a firestorm of guitars as Ness' vocals bring out all the pain, anger, and jubilation his lyrics represent. The band changed drummers twice, finally partnering with Chuck Biscuits(ex-DOA/Circle Jerks/Black Flag), whom Ness calls his number 1 pick for the job. Additionally, the guys give credit to producer Michael Beinhorn for his production style. With their new album hittin' the streets and their new drummer hittin' the beats, Social Distortion has kicked off a serious U.S. tour including tonight's very own KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas.

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