Tori Amos

She's the daughter of a Methodist preacher and music became an integtal part of her life while she was still in diapers. She learned to play the paino by the age of two, and at the age of five she enrolled at the prestigious Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore.

"I was a freak child who had really good rhythm," she says, "I quickly realized that I had some kind of calling. But just as quickly, I realized that most important to me was following my own path-and not the one that was laid down by others."

Her latest album, Boys For Pele, was recorded in rural ireland and Louisiana. It contains 18 self-produced tracks and Tori looks at her third album as a new chapter in life, "Part of the reason," Amos says, "is that for the first time in my life there has been nobody over my shoulder saying, why don't you do it this way. This time around, I could push myself and explore new boundaries."

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