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         If you have a site that you want to add to these links, please e-mail me at - - Please include
       Links and the band/artist's name somewhere
       in the Subject Line.

How I Rate These Sites

Obviously, the higher score you get, the more people are going to visit your site. So, you might want to read this part. Okay, I rate a site on 2 things - design and content. 2 1/2 stars are given out for each. Deductions are given for the following -

  • sites where the text is hard to read
  • I have sensitive eyes, so sites with bright backgrounds
  • sites that take too long to load(remember I'm on a 14.4)
  • sites that look cluttered
  • annoying animations
  • javascript or java that either slows me down or crashes my browser

  • This list could be so much longer but if it were, I would have to make a seperate page for it and as of right now, I don't have the time or energy to do either. Maybe in the future.

    If you'd like to see an example of what I like, go to any five star page and you'll see what I mean. Another way is, you can just go to any of my pages. I don't mean this in a selfish or full of my self way. It's just fact that what I like in a page is usually represented in the sites I have(unless I'm lazy). I happen to like simple looking sites that load fast and have tons of content. I'm not really big for fancy JavaScript that takes my name or tells me to sign your guestbook, because basically, I think it's waste of time. Of course that's me, but then again, this is my site and I'm rating the sites. So, if you have a site that's totally opposite of what I like, great. I wish the best for you and your site. Just don't ask me to link it or I just might give it one star and tell everyone just how aweful I think it is.

    Oh, yeah, and one last thing. I use Internet Explorer, but most of the time, your made for Netscape site should look just fine, so please don't have a JavaScript message telling me I can't enter because I'm using a crappy browser.

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