King Fork was a great king, loved by his subjects, feared by his enemies. He had everything it seemed, yet he was still unhappy. One day, while singing showtunes to himself in a pitiful attempt to forget his misery, he was visited by his Fairy Godknife. The Fairy Godknife comforted him and told him of a solution. “You must go on a quest, and at the end you will meet the woman of your dreams.” she said. “And together you will have many beautiful children who will become great leaders.” With that, the Fairy Godknife vanished.

That night King Fork set out on his quest. Many adventures and horribly sung showtunes later, King Fork encountered a tribe of wild women warrior spoons. He was captured and told he must be sacrificed to their Queen. King Fork was distraught. He begged to see the Queen to plead for mercy. She granted his request, intrigued by this Fork, for she had never seen such a thing.

Queen Spoon’s guards brought him in, and their eyes met. Neither could speak for a moment. Then, King Fork said quietly, “Anything, Your Majesty, anything you wish, just spare my life?”

Moved by his plea (not to mention his dashing good looks), she agreed. “I will spare your life on one condition.”

“Yes, anything.” he said.

“You will marry me and father my children.” she ordered.

Shocked, yet ecstatic, he nodded in agreement.

Nine months later, they presented their firstborn to the Spoon and Fork kingdoms. The baby was beautiful. A perfect combination of both its parents, everyone agreed. And thus began a new race...a prophecy come true...a race of leaders....worthy of worship...the MIGHTY SPORK!