"ALL the Special people who have touched my Life" Plus More!

~Mysticals~ Homepage

Waltr's Homepage

Misty's Homepage

Lock's Homepage

Computer Clinics Homepage

glistening eyes Homepage

Joe's Homepage

Boyd's Homepage

.. Photoman's page

..Naked Under My Clothes page

..Southern's page

..Rebecca's page

  • Terri - ~Mystical Eyes~ - The very best friend and confidant a person can ever have. She's been down the long road with me, (Charlie too!) and I will never be able to repay her for that.Go to her page and see this special woman with a heart of gold and you will understand it all..!

  • Then there are my SPECIAL BUDDIES: waltr,(Ron)..he was one of Terri's friends and excepted me well....we don't chat much anymore but do keep in touch! Lock-n-load,(Tom)...the snail mailman..don't make any comments about it though he is rather touchy....*L*.Misty Morning..were two of a kind... insane FIBS TO THE BONE! Cherokee...aka...hedgehog..and..cupcake (go figure!)(Jeff)Great guy!,fellow wisconsoniste.. still haven't figured out he comes up with these handles in the park......Yilgarn (Rob) another man down under.....Rebel... Bernie, Paul, Howdy, Kendor,(Dave) and his wife Joy..we have a great time in pow wow... Ed,(the mysterious man) who hides in Icq..either hes there or hes not! Boyd..(another fellow cheesehead!) Now Don.....this man is one of the silliest people I have ever met...He has slowly but surely won my heart.Hes my best friend and I love him, we sit nightly talking about everything under the sun and a few things that aren't,Michele introduced us one night, (and thank you for that Michele!) and our friendship has grown...whatever you do if you run into him somewhere here on the net don't tell him the fish are biting in Wisconsin...(one of his hobbies).

    AAAhhhh the list continues to grow..the fantastic friends i have made in the park. Lexi...my goodness she is great, then theres SKOW...MS.K, Big K,WIANA,Googleplex,orangecrsuh,Cove,Su*Z*Q, Barbarian,Venus..in a half shell,(and won't share), Stardood,Gizmo(he loves my lap), Naked under my clothes(someday i wanna see that) I could go on and on...Please remember...i love ya all...

  • And now behind my special wall: You see I have a wall around me... and I have always made it clear that you may take a brick down and come in, look around....get comfortable and enjoy my hospitality... but when you turn to leave put the brick back and take your memories with you...but these chosen few have remained...(and there memories will always remain)

    Don - "Baby....i adore you...i fought ya off a long time, tried to hide from ya, but ya kept up with me...and now that you see I am as silly as ever in R/T as I am when we chat...you WON!!!!

    Joe - "I can only hope I will, always be the "lady of his dreams!"....

    Tracy - "My soul runs deep"...shall we indulge in a game of monopoly...

    Mark - "The man down under"....I hope his dreams of coming to states happen someday, no should want that bad and not have it become a reality..

    Robb - "My pow wow buddy"...never thought two people could have such a good time texting back and forth and he says hes working...hahahaha i laugh at that!

    Doug - "Snake"..my wrestler..busy man not much time to chat but when we do its a quality chat....

    Yukon - Hey sweetheart...you got lucky i let ya in...your a darlin...ya listen when i need to talk..and I listen when you need to..be happy hon!

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