Date: Thurs, October 16 1997
From: Peter Ferragine (
Group: NOFX
Album: White Trash, Two Heebs and a Bean
Released: 1992 epitaph records
Track: 10
Title: i wanna be your baby

pm - palm mute - |____|

verse - played with two rhythms the second uses palm mute


chorus - remember pm |___|

    |___________|            |___________|            |___________|


riff - played throughout song



open your self, let me inside, open your arms, i have no where
to go, so let me into you, i need to be where nothing can hurt me
open your legs, to let me crawl inside of you i need to be
inside your womb, so take me home, inside of you, envelope me, i'm home
i wanna be your baby, bringin' me down, bringin' me down
open your lips and take me in, i need to be inside within
let me become a part of you, let me inside of you, swallow me whole
i want to know the things you hide, i want to feel the things you feel
i want to breathe the air you breathe, i want to live inside of you, take me
bringin' me down, i wanna be your baby, let me live inside

