My Bio Section

Name: Christopher H. Reid
Location: Seattle, WA, USA
Birthday: March 17, 1881
Ethnicity: Half Japanese, Half White
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130 lbs.

School: Renton High School (near Seattle, Washington, USA), My old Class Schedule
School Positions, Clubs, Activities and Sports: Class President, Executive Council, Student Council, Assistant Editor-in-Chief of the School Newspaper, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Historian, Asian Students Association (ASA) Auxilary Officer, Nation Honor Society (TORCH), TRIBE Club, RHS Tennis Team, RHS Varsity Cross Country Running Team, RHS Track & Field Team, FBLA Scrapbook Committee Chair, FBLA Fundraising Committee, Leadership Camp Committee, Canned Food Drive Donation and Publicity Committees, Washington State Senate Page, RHS/FBLA Webmaster, etc, etc, etc.

Favorite Newsgroup(s):,,
Favorite IRC Channels: DALnet: #AH-Club, #Wingnut, #Dark-Citadel, #LM-Guild

Favorite Message Boards: Ace's Happy Chat Zone, CIC Chat Zone and CIC Secret Ops Chat Zone. Jobs I Have: I work in a Seattle mall for the holidays and have written movie reviews for my local newspaper. I worked as a page in the Washignton State Senate in 1996. Now I have a permanent job as the computer guy for Mirror Image Studio International.

A few Websites I'm Connected With or Have Created: Chris Reid's Homepage, The Homepage, Gerthein Boersma's WC5 Poll, RHS' FBLA Website, Delance's Dragon vs. Excalibur Homepage, Gary Hladik's WC4.123106 Parody, Introspection's Wing Commander Home Sector, Mirror Image Studios and the Wing Commander CIC.

Clubs or Organizations I Belong To:
The Planetary Society and ace's Happy Club, and AHMS, Chief Executive in charge of butter, the elderly, natural resources up to and including purple rocks and the big kind of dinosaurs.... and also the Anti-God of the New Age Proto Cataslmyiacs (a.k.a. Reedoastrionists), the official Religion of AHC! I also belong to AHQC, AHMC, AHN, etc.

My Computer (if anyone's interested): Packard Bell Pentium 100, 48 MB RAM, 3.7 GB Hard Drive, 33.6 KB Modem, 2X/4X CD-ROM, 17-inch monitor and other boring stuff.

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© 1998 Chris Reid