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drowning bagpipes - Celtic Rock (7.7 kB)

Of my body, England is the spine
The backbone and the trunk
My shoulders span the mighty Tyne
Cornwall, my crooked ancient leg
Wales, two hands held apart
Scotland is my dreaming head
Ireland is my heart.

(Mike Scott)

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Hi !

You are just visiting the homepage of the

Drowning Bagpipes (5.4 kB)

Well, if you just surfed in here by chance, we better tell you a bit about us.

Let's see, we are a band. OK, there are many of those. But we are different.

We play Celtic Rock

Hääää ? (2.9 kB)

This is our kind of music:

Our band has more to it than guitar, drums and bass; we also use instruments like violin and mandolin. This stands for variety in Music.

We offer the full band width from arranged traditionals to Rock and Hard Rock; nevertheless we remain within the frame which you can call the typical sound of the Drowning Bagpipes.

We've talked enough now, just look around on our pages.

Item (122 Byte) CD Item (122 Byte) Sound
Item (122 Byte) The Band Item (122 Byte) Press
Item (122 Byte) History / References Item (122 Byte) Links
Item (122 Byte) Contact / Masthead

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Last update: January 22, 2003 by Markus Nitschke