Foo Articless


Remember Scream, the local hard-core punk band that reigned during the '80s? After Scream broke up in 1990, drummer David Grohl went on to superstardom with Nirvana and then the Foo Fighters, while brothers Franz and Pete Stahl formed Wool.

So when Franz Stahl debuted as the Foo Fighters' new guitarist at last week's MTV Video Music Awards, it marked a Scream reunion of sorts. And Peter Stahl is steadily employed as one of the Fighters' road managers.

"One of the best times I had in Scream is when David was in the band," says Franz, who now lives in Los Angeles. "During the Nirvana thing our friendship split for obvious reasons. Dave went on to another level that I didn't associate with every day.

"Now being able to do it all over again is really nice. More important, aside from being able to play with him again, I missed him as a friend."
Will Work For Foo

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