You wouldn't even tell your shrink this stuff

REEE-NEEEE - 12/20/00 14:42:53
Name a band/song that you can't stop listening to.....: lately it's been Type o Negative, It's winter music.
What do you wish you were really doing right now?: still sleeping. playing the Sims.
What's the best concert you've been to?: Allen and I were just talking about this one last night, probably Limp Bizkit, they were cool. I like Rammstein too, kinda weird, also Manson, fun, fun.....
Some good lyrics......: It's too early to think about that.
Favorite city/town/place....: I really like Gatlinburg, Tennessee, yeah, yeah, laugh all you want, but it WAS cool there, lots of stuff to do.
What do you wish....: I had more time for myself, THAT YOU WOULD CALL ME SOMETIME, AND TALK OR GO AND HANG OUT SOMETIME AND DO STUFF.....I miss you guys....

MERRY CHRISTMAS, I'M SPREADING CHRISTMAS CHEER THROUGHOUT THE INTERNET... (i signed Your and Maria's guestbook) anyways.... Hope you have a wonderful, delightful, fun-filled, happy, merry, jolly, umm, Christmas....

Emily Odette : the neighbor - 11/25/00 20:29:40
Name a band/song that you can't stop listening to.....: Sarah Mclachlan
What do you wish you were really doing right now?: eating
What's the best concert you've been to?: Dixie Chicks
Some good lyrics......: Oh the quiet child awaits the day when she can break free the mold that clings like desperation Mother can't you see I've got to live my life the way I feel is right for me might not be right for you but it's right for me
Favorite city/town/place....: East Lansing
What do you wish....: my neighbor would write to me after she reads this

So...I don't know how I got here, but I hope you read this. I hear you're going to live in the great town of East Lansing! You're going to be a Spartan. It's my favorite place to be in the whole world!!! I really hope you're going there....hmmmm..silly me

barshark - 10/12/00 01:14:06
Name a band/song that you can't stop listening to.....: sister 7 all of them
What do you wish you were really doing right now?: touring with the band
What's the best concert you've been to?: ann and nancy wilson unplugged live in the front row
Some good lyrics......: ill be right here just like i have always been under the radar
Favorite city/town/place....: mineapolis mn
What do you wish....: my girlfriend woulnt cheat on me .

live life to its fullest dont regret what you have done dont do what you will regret. live , love , learn, and ............ listen to the music shark

Renee *the shadow* - 09/08/00 15:46:34
My Email:angelsbleed125@YAHOO.COM
Name a band/song that you can't stop listening to.....: Tori Amos.
What do you wish you were really doing right now?: Sleeping, but I just woke up, so I'm not really tired but I wish i was. or fucking.
What's the best concert you've been to?: ummm.... that's a tuffy! I'd say either Marilyn Manson, or the first Family Values.
Some good lyrics......: Find myself singing the same songs everyday, ones that make me feel good when things behind the smiles ain't Okay. Blind Melon.
Favorite city/town/place....: hmmm, Lapeer, MI. been spending too much time there lately.
What do you wish....: to be :-)

hey you. I have no idea if you still look at your guestbook anymore, I know I don't! But I was missing ya, and thought I'd sign it and say "HI" since i haven't talked to you in forever... Give me a call sometime, I miss hearing from you. Love Always, Me.

- 08/12/00 04:54:48


rachel - 08/07/00 05:00:42
Name a band/song that you can't stop listening to.....: ani
What do you wish you were really doing right now?: sleeping
What's the best concert you've been to?: tori- plugged 98
Some good lyrics......: i wish i didn't have this nervous laugh i wish i didn't say half the stuff i say
Favorite city/town/place....: royal oak is ok. paris is good. i want to live in new york.
What do you wish....: for everyone to be madly in love with me.

i'm going to sleep now. goodnight.

Virginia - 07/15/00 20:14:11
My URL:http://soon
Name a band/song that you can't stop listening to.....: sister7/Polishing the looking glass. Alanis Morissette/ any
What do you wish you were really doing right now?: Singing/ Playing my guitar in my own concert
What's the best concert you've been to?: Sister7/ Alanis Morissette/ not many good concert in my country
Some good lyrics......: mine?? That I would be good/ Say goodbye/ Possession/ Hold On
Favorite city/town/place....: any where I can live happily
What do you wish....: A healthy state of mind

Ok, I was just visiting your page to check out what you have from S7, nice pics. but who are those girls in that pic with Patrice, It's pretty good and you'r... I guess I should send you an email, so you can reply to me... How can u remember all those names, I guess they're really your friends!!! What's yours??' I forgot!! Bye, nice site Virginia Lopez (VENEZUELA)

maria - 07/08/00 04:38:17
Name a band/song that you can't stop listening to.....: elysian fields since i found my cd, baxter, miranda sex garden. i've been listening to a lot of madrigal/chamber m sic lately. it's so beautiful.
What do you wish you were really doing right now?: singing, falling in love with someone new, dancing away on lots of drugs, hanging out in muncie, smoking in the passenger seat of a car
What's the best concert you've been to?: dave was pretty entertaining, but not as fun as the first one. ani's shows are always the best.
Some good lyrics......: i sold the shiniest star in my collection to the lowest bidder just because it wasn't you- maxiwagon...
Favorite city/town/place....: I'm really anxious to go back to Muncie
What do you wish....: inappropriate for this forum. *shrug* i guess i wish i wasn't so confused, i was in a really good play or musical, i could wear red everyday, my computer wasn't such a stupid machine, i had wings...

bored. so very bored. i'm watching "The Cradle Will Rock". Definitely one of the most amazing films I've seen in a long time. I need to finish packing. blah. nevermind. i'm rambling. it's my art form lately. have a nice day...

- 07/05/00 01:56:49

you should get some sound clips of you playing your guitar up on your site. thatd kick.

K :-) - 06/21/00 16:49:45
My URL:ha! Im not that talented
Name a band/song that you can't stop listening to.....: uuuuuuum im more in the whole dj thing right now, so i would have to say Melody, CDX or Paul Oakenfold..
What do you wish you were really doing right now?: getting better from this aweful cold
What's the best concert you've been to?: Detroit Electronic Music Festival (if indeed it counts as a concert) It was THE SHIT
Some good lyrics......: "baby dont you know you were the worst I ever had"
Favorite city/town/place....: Aint no pawtee like a Detroit pawtee cos a Detroit pawtee dont stop
What do you wish....: that goodrich people were nice.

Yo Linz- wassup girly!! long time no see! GET A HOLD OF ME!!!!!!!! we will do something... I have been partying like mad in the D and its finally catching up to me... muh throat is SO sore.... This weekend was so crakt out... i spent 2 nights at muh frien robs trailer and both nights we hit up parties... the one on saturday was so *FUN* I saw all muh peeps and it didnt get busted or raided. I was content. Not to mention I was wit muh boi.... Well, If ya ever want to hit it up in da D wif me, gimme a call nd Ill hook ya up...peash and *HUGGIES* ==Kristen==

- 05/20/00 18:08:55

you were awesome last night. you play a mean guitar. :-)

mighty munch(kin) - 05/06/00 16:49:48
Name a band/song that you can't stop listening to.....: jimmy eat world, kid brother collective, sublime, jello biafra, transister (look who's perfect now)
What do you wish you were really doing right now?: i don't care what i'd be doing as long as it weren't so damn hot. i really wish i could be at big bad bsu with my gals and pals though. fun fun.
What's the best concert you've been to?: hard to tell. i haven't been to a good show in a while. i'll use Cabaret as my excuse. it was good.
Some good lyrics......: oh, i think you and i throw down the best lyrics. hehe
Favorite city/town/place....: i just don't know anymore. i'm kind of stuck here most of the time.
What do you wish....: i wish there weren't so many unnecessary deaths.

hi. i'm still sitting here. maybe i'm get off my tuff and do something. ok. good idea maria.

Stace - 04/19/00 23:59:13
Name a band/song that you can't stop listening to.....: I love music... OLDIES! No Doubt is todays mad craze
What do you wish you were really doing right now?: eatin the salad that is just out of reach... having fun with the girls
What's the best concert you've been to?: BECK-- hes so bodacious
Some good lyrics......: today ashlee was singin "Whose down with OPP... all the homies"
Favorite city/town/place....: Viva la College towns... and Chicago
What do you wish....: for happiness... and maybe strength

Lindsey... You are tres super! Glad we hang out now. Did you know we had Eng. in 8th grade together... w/ HEIDI!!

dezzertdrifter - 04/14/00 21:54:14
Name a band/song that you can't stop listening to.....: the church/hiroshima mon amour
What do you wish you were really doing right now?: isn't it obvious?
Some good lyrics......: I suppose you'd say she made a fool of me... oh but she had authority-church-s.k.
Favorite city/town/place....: las vegas, the mountains-the solitude-the heat-not the city, the west keys, florida
What do you wish....: I wish I knew what this world is for, and if I'm not supposed to know I wish I find whatever I was put on earth to search for

I was at your show at Schuba's last night. (april 14). I was there checking on when Marty-Willson Piper was playing. I thought I'd check your group out even though I had never heard your music before. First thought I had was, Janice. I spent the rest of the night trying to get into what you were trying to say and during the last song I got it. I was closing my eyes and feeling it, I like the song about"loneliness" and alot of your lyrics, the moon, d sert... etc. Thanks for screaming. dd.

Kevin Nolde - 04/10/00 18:09:44
Name a band/song that you can't stop listening to.....: Little Sister/Green House/any S7 song
What do you wish you were really doing right now?: Afternoon Delight
What's the best concert you've been to?: Peter Gabriels So tour
Some good lyrics......: Born down in a dead mans town,the first kick I took was when Ihit the ground, end up like a dog thats been beat to much,till you spend half your life just covering up, I'm born in the u.s.a.
Favorite city/town/place....: Austin in reality Some where else in fantasy.
What do you wish....: Peace love and weed

I have been enjoying S7 since the black cat days. They only continue to perfect their craft.

John - 04/09/00 19:22:31
Name a band/song that you can't stop listening to.....: MoM

well, i dont have much to say. but u need to show me some good songs to play on the guitar

Renee - 04/06/00 21:13:38
My URL: ....Don't even bother visiting my page, I NEVER go to it.
My ....same as webpage, I'm never on the internet.
Name a band/song that you can't stop listening to.....: mm, Puff Daddy that one Satisfy you song..
What do you wish you were really doing right now?: Playing the Sims game, It's addicting....
What's the best concert you've been to?: Marilyn Manson. (but Nine Inch Nails might beat em)
Some good lyrics......: "Get Naked" - MoM
Favorite city/town/place....: Lapeer.
What do you wish....: dunno, to be rich?

Hey you. I've been wanting to talk to you for a while, but I haven't gotten around to call you. What have you been up to?? I'm getting Married!!!! Yes, this October, the 20th (Laura's we just kinda decided this past week!! but that's all. I'm gonn start taking classes at Mott next month too. but All I've been doing is work, tan, sleep, and play THE SIMS!!! Well, I'll be calling you soon, I miss you TONS!!!!!!!! talk to ya later.... Love Always, ME!

Melissa - 04/06/00 14:13:20
Name a band/song that you can't stop listening to.....: sister 7
What do you wish you were really doing right now?: not working
Favorite city/town/place....: houston/austin/TEXAS


JAN - 04/04/00 00:23:41
Name a band/song that you can't stop listening to.....: byebyebye..Nsync..(you like it Linds)
What do you wish you were really doing right now?: Masurbating..sorry but it is the truth
What's the best concert you've been to?: Nsync on July 31st 1999
Some good lyrics......: "baby baby we can do all that we want , we're getting nasty nasy, we're getiing freaky freaky."- Digital Get Down~Nsync
Favorite city/town/place....: England..oh how i long to walk the streets of London..
What do you wish....: I wish i could find true love..what else?

I shouldnt' have even signed this damn thing..i'm not even in the damn stars and angles list. Screw you i mean nothing to you?! lol >:) bye babe Lindsay ps/ i better be in ther next time

andrea - 03/30/00 17:45:25

Hey! If anyone wants to help promote Sister 7 Online, send e-mail to:

Jessie - 03/27/00 03:21:04
Name a band/song that you can't stop listening to.....: Siter7
What do you wish you were really doing right now?: hanging out with Sister7
What's the best concert you've been to?: summerfest in CA
Favorite city/town/place....: CA
What do you wish....: that i could be hanging out with Sister7

your page is awsome.. i LOVE Sister7 so much i went to summerfest in turlock here in CA just to see them they were last and i was sunburnt so badly so i could just hear them they ROCK!!!!!!!

*~Heather~* - 03/22/00 19:37:30
Name a band/song that you can't stop listening to.....: Sister 7 - Manhattan
What do you wish you were really doing right now?: Sleeping
What's the best concert you've been to?: Well, sister 7 was really tight last weekend at SXSW.
Favorite city/town/place....: Austin


Heidi - 03/21/00 21:12:31
Name a band/song that you can't stop listening to.....: Heart
What do you wish you were really doing right now?: spending time with you
What's the best concert you've been to?: Tom Petty
Some good lyrics......: "sad faces painted over with those magazine smiles" -Heart
Favorite city/town/place....: New York, New York
What do you wish....: I wish for complete happiness.


emily. - 03/21/00 04:34:57
Name a band/song that you can't stop listening to.....: jimmy eat world and sarge..
What do you wish you were really doing right now?: cuddling with someone... a certain preferable human... in my tiny bed... with the xmas lights on, kissing her..
What's the best concert you've been to?: ani difranco, meadowbrook 1998
Some good lyrics......: *faintest snow keep falling. hands around your waist. nameless, standing cold. take in restraint like a breath. my lungs are so numb from holding back. walk close to the fence to feel it hit your clothes. turn and smile nice smile say good night in a breath. simple discourse breaks you clean in half. regret. try it once and then you know. it's your move, settle for less again.*
Favorite city/town/place....: new york city... montreal... toronto...
What do you wish....: that i would have done things differently. that i still had her. that she was here. that she was thinking about me and not someoneelse. that i could show her what she means to me. that i could make her realize how much ilove h r and need her.... that she wants me back... that she misses me...that she loves me... blah. that this entry makes her smile.


Frank - 03/19/00 20:05:46
Name a band/song that you can't stop listening to.....: black crowes
What do you wish you were really doing right now?: drinking
What's the best concert you've been to?: black crowes
What do you wish....: sister 7 would play dallas soon


candi jane - 03/17/00 02:24:36
Name a band/song that you can't stop listening to.....: THE WILLY SONG!#(%*@)&^&^
What do you wish you were really doing right now?: sleeping
What's the best concert you've been to?: uhm, only been to 2... they were ok....
Some good lyrics......: hmph uhmm.... BABY BYEBYEBYE
Favorite city/town/place....: goodrich? lol i dunno, i dont get out much *sigh*
What do you wish....: if i told you my wish, it wouldnt come true.....

none, blah, zero, blah, no fucking comments ok?? is that ok with you??? is it ok that i have no fucking comments???

d - 03/13/00 20:30:39
My URL:http://imighthaveonebutyouwon'
Name a band/song that you can't stop listening to.....: ben harper and it bugs the s***t out of me
What do you wish you were really doing right now?: bud and windsurfing
What's the best concert you've been to?: george clinton by far
Some good lyrics......: like all of sister 7
Favorite city/town/place....: amsterdam or the south of france
What do you wish....: that i could express all these thoughts floating around in some constructive/beautiful way

what happened to the angelina jolie question? she breaks the stereotypes - it frightens people.

miss secret - 03/11/00 23:35:50
Name a band/song that you can't stop listening to.....: ani difranco, pearl jam, jeff buckley, elysian fields, tori amos, cabaret
What do you wish you were really doing right now?: chilling in Boston, chilling at fest, eating onion rings and drinking mountain dew, getting a backrub
What's the best concert you've been to?: Ani DiFranco, Dave Matthews Band
Some good lyrics......: i don't know. everything i listen to is pretty ingenious. :-)
Favorite city/town/place....: Boston, Ireland, festival, jeska's backyard
What do you wish....: i were out of high school

nice questions

Jill - 03/10/00 13:26:44
Name a band/song that you can't stop listening to.....: Slipknot, Kitty
What do you wish you were really doing right now?: sleeping!!!!
What's the best concert you've been to?: Lilith Fair
Favorite city/town/place....: Whitefish, MT

Hi Linz!

lindsEy - 03/10/00 12:59:08
Name a band/song that you can't stop listening to.....: fiona apple.... her whole new cd.... and Depeche Mode
What do you wish you were really doing right now?: skipping school... driving, drinking coffee, smoking cloves, talking with heiDi
What's the best concert you've been to?: Orgy was REALLLLLY good.... and..... Sheryl Crow kicked ass..... my first concert was probably the most impacting tho: Deftones and Limp Bizkit
Some good lyrics......: "If I could only be who she wanted all the time." - radiohead
Favorite city/town/place....: Royal Oak, Ann Arbor, St. Thomas, and Santa Monica
What do you wish....: Everyone was happy and there were no more arguments....

new questions... those last one's were quite boring.

candi jane - 03/10/00 01:30:50
My Email:uhm, you mean like email right? is that what that 'e' stands for?? lol.
I mean, it's not like it's on isplay; and unless you're doing something creative with spotlights during sex, how much time does your lover actually spend examining it?: thats a good question. I'll get back to you when I find a fuck-mate.
What the hell is wrong with Angelina Jolie?: Nothin at all. I'd fuck her.
Can you blame her?: Blame who for what? *confused*
Curious?: Curious George was pretty cool.
What was the last dream you had?: lmfao. I'm not going to get into that.
How many times have you been in love?: Once. And I am still in love with the ass. *sigh*

Welp, there ya go. You told me to sign your guest book, so I did! Love ya!

Chris - 03/06/00 16:40:36

For all you Sister7 fans check on- Oxford's blistering Indie-pop rockers X-Hail formed in 1997 and are fronted by the excellent Samantha Townsend.This very young band lead the next generation of talented musicians to emerge from Oxford [Ride, Radiohead & Supergrass]. X-Hail's music has bee likened to Skunk Anansie meets Texas with a touch of funk thrown in for good measure.

K - 03/06/00 02:40:34
I mean, it's not like it's on display; and unless you're doing something creative with spotlights during sex, how much time does your lover ctually spend examining it?: What lover.
What the hell is wrong with Angelina Jolie?: Who. sorry I've spent the last decade in a aquarium finding barnacles for my collection.
Can you blame her?: who what.
Curious?: no
What was the last dream you had?: my friends visiting my aunt
How many times have you been in love?: yes. *breaks out in singing ballad* LOVE HURTS...

Yo Linds, whattup? not much here just been pretty damn busy lately, tried callin ya but youre never home. Oh well, I work at fajitas now (fri and sat 5-11) come in and visit sometime... l8r

- 03/01/00 06:33:09


- 03/01/00 06:26:00


Jason...Flo - 03/01/00 01:27:35

Hey! Lindsey! E-mail me as soon as you see this...I've cooked up a scheme.............

- 02/26/00 06:08:45


dimas arredondo - 02/24/00 17:04:14
I mean, it's not like it's on display; and unless you're doing something creative with spotlights during sex, how much time does your lover actually spend examining it?: epends on the mood..time....emotion....
What the hell is wrong with Angelina Jolie?: BIG LIPS & BUG EYES
Can you blame her?: nope
Curious?: nope
What was the last dream you had?: i was running late for class andi flunked out becuase i missed a test...sorry nothing exicting.. :)

i think i signed this page before but i can't remember for i thought i would give you a holler. your site looks cool as always.... d

.emily. - 02/24/00 01:12:39
I mean, it's not like it's on display; and unless you're doing something creative with spotlights during sex, how much time does your lover actually spend examining i ?: my lover? oh. ok.

*"we lay on the bed girl, kissing just for practice. could we please be objective? cause the other boys are queing up behind us. a hand over my mouth. a hand over the window. well, if i remain passive and you just want to cuddl then we should be ok, and we won't get into trouble cause we're seeing other people. at least that's what we say we are doing."-belle and sebastian*

and that's all i have to say about that one.
What the hell is wrong with Angelina Jolie?: you're psychotic obsession has driven her over the edge of insanity? hmm.. nah.
Can you blame her?: nuh uh.
Curious?: if it interests me, i guess i can be awfully inquisitive.
What was the last dream you had?: i can't remember... butone time i had this dream where i was at a fiona apple concert and she threw something to me and i jumped off the backof these bleachers i was sitting in and fell. i don't even like her that uch, i don't get why i jumped off the bleachers for her stupid object she threw. blah.
How many times have you been in love?: once.


ummm, ummm, can i skip this one? - 02/22/00 03:48:09
I mean, it's not like it's on display; and unless you're doing something creative with spotlights during sex, how much time does your lover actually spend examining it?: mmm, ummmm, no t enough?
What the hell is wrong with Angelina Jolie?: she lives too far away from me
Can you blame her?: yeah. what the hell is she thinking?!
Curious?: yeah. my ear won't stop itching and i just can't figger it out fer the life of me
What was the last dream you had?: my mom had another kid and molly and i were crowdsurfing at an ani concert
How many times have you been in love?: twice.

hi. i'm actually writing better now that you left. i think you're a curse. *smile*

Flo - 02/19/00 09:09:25
I mean, it's not like it's on display; and unless you're doing something creative with spotlights during sex, how much time does your lover actually spend e amining it?: well...since it is on display for three two week periods on its tour of several 3rd world countries, plenty. it has to be well up to par.
What the hell is wrong with Angelina Jolie?: she's hot as hell. which is a problem many women have. it must suck being beautiful beuty sucks. let kill beauty and kill death and kill kill.
Can you blame her?: well, not if she wants a little somethin'
Curious?: well...i suppose....but only if there's a puppy, one of those rotating beds some candle, inscense, and a bag of saliva from a camel involved.
What was the last dream you had?: I dreamt I was living in hell. I still haven't woken up.
How many times have you been in love?: once. unless you count the goat. that would make seven.

unfortunatly for you the last 6 times the puppies made it to the stage they never reached maturity before the piggies in blues caught up with the cat with a bat flying over the scene with a video camera examining for flea and ticks which can be eliminated with sour cream and easy cheese like the movies we all watch where the guy fall in love and gets bitch slapped by a donkey in a miniskirt the best kind the kind where whipped cream is oozing from your pockets who said it lets dance lets dance with the dev l and light ourselves on fire with a magical ray gun of sparks and rainbows.

miss secret - 02/15/00 21:59:01
I mean, it's not like it's on display; and unless you're doing something creative with spotlights during sex, how much time does your lover actually spend examining it?: am exempt from this question
What the hell is wrong with Angelina Jolie?: she's an actress. it's a disease
Can you blame her?: no. i have the disease too.
Curious?: george. is a curious little mun-key
What was the last dream you had?: i don't remember.must have been the one where you, your mom and i were mountain climbing.
How many times have you been in love?: twice.

hi. i'm signing AGAIN. i'm waiting to go talk to mr.happycouchman. i'm so happy we only have two days of school left. hip hip hoorah. well, i'll talk to my little limpy later. au revoir. tangerine dreams and copy machines.

miss secret - 02/15/00 21:50:01
I mean, it's not like it's on display; and unless you're doing something creative with spotlights during sex, how much time does your lover actually spend examining it?: am exempt from this question


troyboy - 02/15/00 03:11:12
I mean, it's not like it's on display; and unless you're doing something creative with spotlights during sex, how much time does your lover actually spend examining it?: hu ? i have no sex..*frown*
What the hell is wrong with Angelina Jolie?: not a damn thing
Can you blame her?: not at all
Curious?: About what?
What was the last dream you had?: -Explicit-

i dont know if this will didn't last time. so i'm not gonna type much. later on. troyboy loves ya

lindsEy - 02/15/00 03:10:26
I mean, it's not like it's on display; and unless you're doing something creative with spotlights during sex, how much time does your lover actually spend examining it?: oh.. about........ hmmm....
What the hell is wrong with Angelina Jolie?: nothing. nothing at all. she's beautiful, amazing, sexy, talented, gorgeous, NOTHING AT ALL is wrong with her.
Can you blame her?: depends on who we're blaming.
Curious?: i wrote out one of these damn forms last nite, but it didn't come up on teh screen, and i put "curiousity killed the cat" and now it just looks like i'd be copying emily if i wrote that, but i'm not, i wrote it first, it just didn't get l gged down. damn computers.
What was the last dream you had?: it involved maria and heidi, i don't really remember the rest. i slept really hard last nite.
How many times have you been in love?: once... twice.... that many times a lady. love is odd.

"this is how you cure loneliness"

emily. - 02/14/00 03:04:05
I mean, it's not like it's on display; and unless you're doing something creative with spotlights during sex, how much time does your lover actually spend examining i ?: *she's too good... she's too nice.. she makes me finish too quick* :)
What the hell is wrong with Angelina Jolie?: she's too rad for hollywood?
Can you blame her?: no.
Curious?: sure.. but i try not to be.. cos everyoneknows curiousity killed the cat.
What was the last dream you had?: i don't remember.
How many times have you been in love?: one.


Lindsay "JAN" BIrch - 02/13/00 22:49:17
I mean, it's not like it's on display; and unless you're doing something creative with spotlights during sex, how much time does your lover actually spend examining it?: k..god Lindsey you are too much. Hmmm...I am so sex deprived I don't even want to think about depresses me!
What the hell is wrong with Angelina Jolie?: She is a hot actress with a nice reack..absolutely NOTHING!
Can you blame her?: NO I CAN NOT!
Curious?: I am curious why I can't find a woman. I get stuck with puppy dog boys..and i dont' even like boys!!!!!YUCK
What was the last dream you had?: IT was when i was at Lindsey's party and i think it had something to do with laying ont he cold floor in a cellar..i have no idea.
How many times have you been in love?: once...still am

Lindey~ You ask the weirdest questions... jan is tired and her back hurts... I need a hook me up with someone... I am leaving now... BYE BYE BYE ;)

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