
Sister 7 Links:


!This The Trip-Sister 7 Official Web Site


TxJoey's Sister 7 page

Friend's Links:

Life By The Drop
This is Maria's page. She had a masterpiece of a page going, but then she got booted cause Geocities sucks, but this is her page now, full of HER (Which is poetry, writings... and anything else). Go. Go now.

Goddess of the Violet Twilight
This is my friend Renee's page. It has MANY bands on it and neato information about tattoos, astrology stuff, her likes and dislikes, concerts, and much more. Definately for the band-liking, alternative people out there. Take a trip, she won't bite ya'.

Nothing Can Stop Me Now

This is Al's page. It has bands like Marilyn Manson and Nine Inch Nails featured on it. Lots of info and cool stuff, he's a webpage-making genious.

The House of Rock

This is Ron's page, perfectly titled and all about Pearl Jam and Prodigy. ROCK!

Realm of Punis

This is Toni's little piece on the web. I have no idea what's on it... some Cake stuff, I think. *Shrugs* Go for the guestbook or something.

RollerCrack Site

This is Stephanie's page.. it's about her and her friend.... Steph's a Sister 7 fan. Go check her page out and how creative/psycho she really is!