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Well, it's been a while, but finally CRiM'S WoRLD has been updated, and it don't look too bad eh? :) Neways, welcome back to CW for another period of time... 

For those few of you who have never been here before, here's the low-down on CW... 
My name is Chris Childs, alias CRiM (don't ask me where it came from, I've had it for years...), and I currently live in the great city of Adelaide, which is in South Australia (look at a map if you don't know where it is, cos you should!). 
CRiM'S WoRLD centres around the things that influence my life - music, sport, and anything else, and provides plenty of links to some of my favourite sites on the net. 

For the last few years CW has just been a crappy links site, with basically nothing else, but considering that I am finishing school very soon, I will have the opportunity to expand CW...into what is the next thing I think about...but it SHOULD be good :) 

With the approach of 1999, CW is getting better, so stay tuned! 
| E-Mail: crim1@oocities.com | 
| ICQ #: 2196095 |