Flextone Sound Bytes

Although not nearly as good as hearing the amp in person, these files will give you an idea of how the Flextone sounds. If you want your sound posted send it to me with a brief description. All are in Real Audio format. You will need a Real Audio player to hear these files. You can get it here...

This will give you a better idea of how versitile the amp is. Whereas a tube amp will probably get you 2 or 3 distinctive diffrent sounds, the Flextone will give you the versitility of playing different types of music with the wide range of sounds at your disposal.

Bluesy Fender Twin

Clean Fender Twin Model with a bit of compression. Very nice clean tone that can capture that "Fender" vibe really good. This is on my Les Paul with both 'buckers tapped into single coil mode.

Ain' Talkin' Bout Love

This is the classic riff Van Halen Style. Done on the Soldano SLO model, this model gives a very accurate recreation of Eddie's distorted tone. Unlike the orginal recording there is no Flanger Effect. I used the Bridge pickup on my LP.

You Really Got Me

Same settings as above. Van Halen's version of the classic song by the Kinks. I still can't get the squealing harmonics that Eddie Van Halen gets on the original recording...must keep practicing!

Voodoo Returns

This is the Marshall JCM 800 Model. The Wah pedal on the floorboard is SWEET...very vocal. Anyway this is the classic intro to the song. Yeah Yeah Yeah...I know I messed up the ending.

Hi-Gain Marshall Stack 1

This is the Marshall JCM 800 Model. This is kinda messy but I thought it was pretty cool. The JCM 800 model is beginning to become my favorite model. This is done on my Les Paul on the bridge pickup (Duncan JB)

Hi-Gain Marshall Stack 2

Same setting as above...just me going off the cuff again.


Complete with a cheesy drum beat. The Flextone Clean using the Vox modeled wah on the floorboard.

Hey Joe

This is the Marshall Plexi Model with a little bit of crunch. The volume pot on my pickups were at about 5. In no way do I recreate the subtle nuances of the original Hendrix recording...nice try though.

Clean and Compressed

This is the ultimate clean machine when it is dialed in correctly. The recording doesn't do it justice but in person this sounded really 3-D and surpassed some of the best tube amps I have heard. This is just me strumming a few chords in the Flextone Clean Model (Which I think sounds the best out of all of them) on the Delay/Compressor effect at about 3/4.

Red House

My tribute to Hendrix's Red House. This is a Matchless Chieftan with the drive at 3/4's.

The "real" Crybaby

This sound is from an actual Jim Dunlop Crybaby...not Line 6's modeled one. This just goes to show you that you don't have to throw away all your toys if you happen to buy a Flex. It is based on the Marshall JTM-45 model with the gain at about half.

Mike Sveda submitted these files...

Overdriven Model Demo

90s telecaster deluxe with Seymour duncan vintage '54 lead pickup. Settings remained the same, only changed ampmodel settings: Brit Blues, Brit Classic, Brit Hi gain, Dual rectifier, modern hi gain

These files were submitted by Steve Bouette

To hear Steve and his band "SST" click here. He has three songs (non-Flextone, but still great) posted in MP3 format.


Flextone Drive with the following settings: Drive 7, Bass 7, Mid 4.5, Treble 5.5, Vol 9, Rev 5, Delay 4.

This file is in MP3 format NOT Real Audio. This file sounds really good I did not want to mess with it by converting it to RA...Great job Steve..


Flextone Drive, drive, bass, mid, & treble all at 7, a little delay & reverb. Includes background music...

"Those guys at Line 6 are pretty sick...the swell feature will make you sound like you are playing a violin"

Swell 1

Okay, these are a few things using the Swell feature of the FX section. I used Brit Class A: gain 6; bass 8; mid 5; treble 9; reverb 5; swell 1-8. The delay times & the swell times varied from fast "Swell1" to real slow


"Classa" is Modern Class A: gain 7; bass 4; mid 5; treble 7; reverb 2.5; delay 3. I used my Silvertone w/single lipstick tube pickup tuned to open D.

British Classic(Marshall JTM-45)

"Britclassic" is Brit Classic: gain 10; bass 7; mid 7; treble 7; no FX. Les Paul Custom w/bridge pickup.

British Hi-Gain (Marshall JCM-800)

"Brit-hi" is Brit Hi Gain: gain 10; bass 8; mid 8; treble 8; reverb 2; chorus/delay 2; Strat w/bridge pickup. I turn on the chorus halfway through.

Modern Hi Gain (Soldano Super Lead)

"Mod-hi" is Modern Hi Gain: gain 7; bass 7; mid 5; treble 7; no FX. Strat w/bridge pickup.

Flextone Clean

"Flex-clean" is Flextone Clean: gain 0; bass 9; mid 5; treble 10; reverb 2; delay 3. Strat w/neck pickup.

Flextone Layer

"Flex-lay" is Flextone Layer: gain 7; bass 8; mid 6; treble 10; reverb 5; delay 5; Ibanez RG550 w/bridge pickup.

Flextone Crunch 1

"Flex-cr1" is Flextone Crunch: gain 6; bass 8; mid 7; treble 5; reverb 2; delay 1.5. Strat w/neck pickup.

Flextone Drive 1

"Flex-dr1" is Flextone Drive: gain 10; bas 8; mid 10; treble 10; no FX. Ibanez RG550 w/bridge pickup.

Mesa Rectifier

Flex1 is the Rectifier set like this: gain 10;bass 7;mid 4;treble 7; no FX. I used my Strat. The first part is the neck pickup with the volume halfway. I then switch to the bridge pickup & crank the volume. This shows how you can stay on one amp setting & use the guitar's volume to go from clean to distorted.

Fender Twin

Flex2 is the Black Panel set like this:gain 8; bass 9; mid 3.5; treble 8; reverb 7; delay 4. My Strat again with the neck pickup & the volume about halfway. For clean sounds I like to keep the gain on the amp pretty high & use my guitar volume to clean it up.

Fender Bassman

Flex3 is Tweed Blues: gain 7; bass 7; mid 8; treble 7; reverb 5; delay 4. Strat with neck pickup full volume.

Boogie Dual Rectifier

Tony Dunn sent me this...

"This is a basic Rectified amp Model with all the tone controls at about 2 o'clock, drive cranked, some delay and a touch of reverb. I'm playing my Music Man Axis full up direct into the amp. The recording is direct from the Flextone into my Toshiba laptop recorded with CoolEdit sampled at 22K, 8-bit mono. It's a little trebly and fuzzy, but it's a start. "

Keep em coming Tony!

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