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01- U2 Plans Bonus With Greatest-Hits Set

The first-ever greatest-hits set from U2 will be packaged with a
limited-edition bonus disc that will be pulled from store shelves one week
after its global release. In a worldwide exclusive, Billboard Online has
learned that the album -- one of three forthcoming best-of discs from the
Irish band -- will be titled "The Best Of U2 1980-90" and be released by
Island Records in two forms. According to Rob Partridge of Coalition, the
band's U.K. publicity firm, the first version of the album will street Nov.
2 worldwide (Nov. 3 in the U.S.) and will be bundled with a bonus disc of
previously released B-sides; a week later, that package will be removed and
replaced with the regular edition, which will not contain the second disc.

"The Best Of U2 1980-90" will feature the tracks "Pride(In The Name Of
Love)," "New Year's Day," "With Or Without You," "Sunday Bloody Sunday," "I
Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For," "Bad," "Where The Streets Have
No Name," "I Will Follow," "Unforgettable Fire," "Desire," "Angel Of
Harlem," "When Love Comes To Town," "The Sweetest Thing," "All I Want Is
You," and "October." In the U.K., the set will be preceded Oct. 19 with a
new version of "The Sweetest Thing"; it is unknown at press time if the
single will also be released in the U.S.

Although London's Financial Times reported that U2 received more than $50
million in advances for the three-album, best-of deal, Partridge would not
confirm the amount, claiming that all monetary figures are "completely