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Kare Kare Kontest Rules

Welcome to the inaugural Crowded House Confidential Contest!

Do you like a little mood-music to set the scene during those late-night amorous encounters? Of course you do! And do you like those ultra-thin super sensitive condoms? Yes, you know they're grrrrrreat!

If it's a contest, then there must be prizes...and prizes we have. Well, actually, it's just one prize pack -- but what a beauty: your very own vial of genuine Kare Kare sand, and a pack of condoms. You just never know, it may have once been squished between Paul Hester's toes during a surfing break in the Together Alone sessions (er, the sand, that is.)

What are you waiting for? Go and play those Crowded House CDs, and see which songs get you all frisky. Or imagine getting yourself a top specimen of the opposite sex (or, indeed the same sex, if you are so inclined) into your bed, and to your dismay, all the Prince and Barry White CDs have been borrowed by your mother. All that is left on the shelf is "Crowded House", "Temple of Low Men", "Woodface", "Together Alone", "Recurring Dream" and "Finn". Which three songs do you pick for the 10-15 minutes of luuuurvemaking?

To enter, just write to and list your top three Finn penned ditties for accompanying the horizontal tango. If your list matches (or is closest to) our secret-judges list, you take away the prize pack.

Entries close at the end of April, so be quick... but, uh, not TOO quick!


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