Saint Stephen's and Saint Agnes School

Mini-Courses 2000

Above: Students in Mrs. Towle's mini-course, "Plant to Paper", got a chance to make their own paper, and then visted Pyramid Atlantic Art Studio.

Below: Mr. Weiman and Ms. Metheny, Director and Assistant Director of the Middle School.

During the first three days before spring break, students at Saint Stephens and Saint Agnes School participate in day-long clubs called mini-courses. There is a wide variety of them, ranging from "Joy of Service" to "Intermediate Golf". Mini-courses expose students to a different setting from everyday school life. Students get a chance to explore their world in a fun, safe enviornment. New courses this year include Advertising, Plant to Paper, Scrapbook Maker, Movies, Museums, amd More, Remembering the Holocaust,and Improvisation, The Rock Band minicourse, started by Mr. David Carman when he was Director of the Middle School, was revived this year also.


Above: Ms. Wilkinson and Ms. Penzine, sponsors of the mini-courses. These teachers organized the mini-courses, no small task. Their responsibilities ranged from finding transportation for mini-courses taking trips to making sure mini-course instructors had the supplies they needed

Below: Morgan works on her table in "Fantasy Finishing"


Click on the link below to view the descriptions and pictures of the mini-courses, written and designed by the Web Page Design mini-course.

Follow The Links To View Pictures and Text About Minicourses 2000