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A page dedicated to promoting ordinary latex wear. You will find pictures of adults enjoying the sensuality of latex. Our interest is intimate latex wear, not the heavy bondage gear you may find on other sites. Ok, Mr. Bodysuit wanted to include some gladwrap mummification but it is a minor part of the site.

Our first project is a history of a once great company called Inn Skin. Inn Skin started us on our latex adventure in 1977. Out first outfit was a blue latex baby doll pajama set andw e had a lot of fun with that simple outfit.

We still have a lot of old Inn Skin sales information which we plan to digitize and presented for your information and enjoyment. We would like to work on this site every day but since we both have real jobs and two kids (three if you count the BIG kid, hubby) who play soccer, band, gymnastics, etc, etc, etc. it will have to grow with time. Eventually we will eventually get all the Inn Skin pictures in, one picture at a time.

If we get just one person to interested in the pleasures of latex we will have been successful.

You can e-mail your encouragement's, comments and any Inn Skin information to

Please come back soon and visit us soon.

Mr. & Mrs. Bodysuit

The InnSkin story.


Miscellaneous pictures (New - Charmed video capture)

Gladwrap mummification 18 or over (not really)

29-Jun-00 Add page 16

10-May-00 Add links

04-Apr-00 Add page 15

03-Jun-03 Add Charmed asf

last updated Feb 05, 2004