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02/22/00 - Mother Mercy has two new guitar players to replace Damien, who recently left the band. The new members are Ryan Wrath and J.D. Raven. Come out to the shows in March to see the new lineup's live debut!

01/24/00 - The Motley Crue tribute CD that contains Mother Mercy's rendition of Girls, Girls, Girls has finally been released. You can order your copy at Impulse Music.

07/15/99 - The Germany-based webzine Metal and Hard Rock Area reviewed Love at First Bite and gave it 7 out of 10 stars. Click here to read the review.

05/26/99 - Mother Mercy has been nominated for the Band Of The Month For July on the Unscene Music Website . Go and vote for them here. You can vote one time per Internet session. UPDATE: Mother Mercy won the Unscene band competition. Go to the Unscene site linked above for more information.

04/18/99 - A new official site for Mother Mercy (located here) is now open. Check it out.

03/19/99 - The release date for the Motley Crue tribute CD Kickstart my Heart - A Tribute to Motley Crue has been delayed until sometime in May. The previous release date was March 26th. MOTHER MERCY is performing the track Girls, Girls, Girls on this CD. Visit the Chronological Crue site for more information. UPDATE: The album has again been pushed back. Now it's slated for a late June release.

02/14/99 - MOTHER MERCY is ranked #30 on the list of heavy metal bands for the song Helltrain after the song was only up there for several days! Let's keep them moving up in the chart. Go download Helltrain, as well as Bad Boyz in Black and Goodbye to You here now!

02/08/99 - MOTHER MERCY is ranked number 6 on the Glitzine top ten albums of the year chart. Read about it here.

01/28/99 - MOTHER MERCY is going to appear on the new MOTLEY CRUE tribute CD Kickstart My Heart which is being produced in Australia and released by Pulse Records. MM will be doing a cover of Girls, Girls, Girls.

01/20/99 - The band will soon be in the studio to record their second CD. Tentatively titled Dancing With The Devil. They already have about 15 new songs set to record after the Motley Crue CD (probably in Jan or Feb '99). Stay tuned for more updates on this. UPDATE: The band hopes to release their next CD around Halloween, '99.