GO TOMySpace!

the other first thing you should check out is The Scientology Website because I am a Scientologist and since you probably don't really know what that entails, you should probably check it out for yourself.

So. Welcome! Choose.
I warn you now that I haven't updated this stuff in literally at least 5 years. I might get to it eventually, but don't hold your breath. The page names may say old, but the pages don't, so be warned!

1.) Check out my Really Old Friend Page

2.) I used to like this comic.

3.) See a play. Ok well, scenes from a play, anyway. Ok fine, pictures of me. Good luck trying to decipher them.Another thing I haven't gotten around to in 7 years... South Pacific.

4.)Here's some real pictures, from the celebration of my 17th year of life. Woohoo! Party like you're 17, oh yeah.

5.) SEX!...Ok, well...Just go. It's not really sex, I promise. Would I do that to you?

6.) Check out my links. Of COURSE I'll point you in a good direction!

NOW, go sign my message board. You wouldn't believe how unused it is...I'm surprised it's even still there after all these years!

Sign Here, Please
See it All

I ? (I should just take this frikkin graphic off already so I don't wind myself up in trouble, but its' so cute!)

Would you look at this? Look how long he's been waiting for you! Look how worried you've made him. I hope you're happy! (credits to Justin Foley, the inventor of the felix guilt trip)

people have thought about having sex with you.(Not including yourself)

Email me, or just frikkin go to myspace and ACTUALLY get a hold of me.

This page was given to me by Geocities , click here and you can get a free webpage too. It's fun...you can keep a website up for 8 years and then forget about it for 5 years and it'll STILL BE THERE! (This site is your evidence of such)

Hey, wanna know something cool? Go and open up your Microsoft Word. Now I'm not sure which version it's in, but get the font "webdings" on and type NYC, all caps. NYC=NYC