Dream Theater

10-27-1997 Odeon, Cleveland, OH

Source: Unknown mics -> Sony D3 -> CASS(m) -> WAV ->Cool Edit -> FLAC

    Disc 1 (72:14)
01-Intro Tape
02-Lines In The Sand
03-Under A Glass Moon
04-Intro To ->
05-Burning My Soul
07-Take Away My Pain
08-Puppies On Acid
10-Just Let Me Breathe
11-Peruvian Skies
12-Pull Me Under

    Disc 2 (46:34)
02-The Darkest Of Winters(cut)
03-Ytse Jam
04-New Millenium
05-The Crimson Sunset
06-Metropolis Pt 1 -> Discotheque

There is a tape flip right after Take Away My Pain with only feedback missing
The Darkest OF Winters has the last 45-60 seconds cut because the tape ran out