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The Days of Reckoning

click on the right or left side of reckoning to progress through my page
 Left of Reckoning                Right of Reckoning 

                 HarborcOat                          second GuessinG 
                 7 chineSe bros.                     letter Never seNt 
                 so. Central Rain                    camerA 
                 Pretty Persuasion                   (don't Go back To) ROCKVILLE 
                 Time After Time (annElise)          little america      
this is now, this is here, this is me, this is what i wanted you to see

r.e.m. "so fast, so numb"


take a break, driver 8, we've
been on this shift too long

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apologies to the worlds greatest band ever, r.e.m., for stealing their side names from the great album, reckoning