Remembering Jerome John Garcia

It's been almost 2 yrs now
Since I last heard you create: Wild,
Improvisational, Blissfull, Synchronistical,
Rhythmical, Harmonious sound.

My dance was led by that deep
Thump of Phil's crazed bombs
Dropping out of bassful speakers.

My soul was nourished by your sweet lick,
Led by your twisted, yet always nimble fingers
Upon the fret.

Even though we still meet through the
Magic of magnetic tape, Something is
Amiss. Is it the spontaneity?

The search for the unknown
Which always seemed to appear unexpectedly
Around the corners of my soul,
Gelling into unexpected paradisiacal scenes
Flowing into me, as if my Being, was being
Sucked thru blazing mandalas.

Gone now, those moments of unforgettable wonder.
Gone now, the transcendental intensity.
Gone now, the wizards fluid flair. Now,
Only remembrances left inside, to flourish
And caress my soul.

--- Jon Ney '96