Table Of Contents


How to make a Line across your page
How to make text in different colours
How to make text different sizes

A little Harder HTML

How to make background images instead of coloured backgrounds
How to make a link to another page
How to make a link to another page within the same directory
How to make an image on your page
How to make images into links
How to make images different sizes than they appear
How to make text beside an image
How to make text "freestyle"
How to make a link that opens a new browser window

Complex HTML

How to make tables
How to make forms
How to make a page with frames

Things to Spiffy Up Your Page

How to get a visitor counter (in GEOCITIES)
How to get a Guestbook
How to make a Yahoo! Search on your page
How to make a Lycos Search on your page

Things I Added Afterwards

How to make Blinking text
What little text commands mean
How to make search engines say what you want
How to make an "entry" page
How to make a TOC (table of contents)
How to make background music play

Back to Entry Page

Table of Contents

How to make Lines (horizontal rules)

Making a horizontal rule is probably the easiest thing to write in HTML. This is the command for a horizontal rule:

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How to make text in different Colours

Changing the color of text is also very simple. Here is the command:
<font face="" size=9 color="">
Here is where you write your text.

The size you can change if you want it bigger or smaller. Inbetween the ""s you put the code of whichever colour you wish to use. Follow this Link to see a list of some color codes.
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How to make text in different sizes

There are two ways to make text in different sizes. The first way is explained above in How to make text different Colours. That way is a little more complicated. The way I'll show you here can make the text in 7 different sizes. Here is the script:

This size


This size


This size


This size

This size

This size

When you put text between the <h#> tags then you change the size. h1 is the biggest and h7 is the smallest.

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How to make image backgrounds

This is a little more complicated but its still fairly simple. At the top of your HTML document there should be a section that looks like this:
<body bgcolor="" text="" link="" vlink=""> Inbetween all the ""s there will be color codes.
To make your background into a pattern or a picture you first need to have a pattern or picture uploaded into your directory or know the URL of a good background.

Change the command - <body bgcolor=""
To the command - <body background=" the URL of a background file "
For example, the command at the top of your page might look like this: 
<body background="" text="#000000" link="#000000" vlink="#000000">

This would make your background into what.gif (this is just an example it won't actually work). It would make the writing, the links, and the visited links all black.

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How to make a Link to Another Page

Making links is VERY easy. Here is the command:
<a href=" the URL of the link ">
For example, to make a link on your page to here it would look like this:
<a href="> 

This will make a link but you won't be able to see it or use it, to make it work you have to put some text in between the command and the command. You have to include the tag at the end of every link or the rest of your page will be the link!
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How to make a link to another page in the same directory

Making a link to a page in the same directory as your intitial page is VERY VERY easy. Here is the script to do it.
<a href=" address of page ">  

For Example, here is how I made a link from this page to the page that shows you colors:
<a href="color.htm">

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How to make an Image on your Page

OK, this is also an extremely simple command. It's basically a link but a little different. Here is the script:
<img src=" URL of the image ">
For example, the script for me to place this image is:
<img src="//">

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How to make Images Into Links

Making images into Links is as easy as combining the two commands:
<a href=" URL of the link "> <img src=" whatever.gif "> </a>
You have to make sure that the actual Link reference comes before the image. Also the link closing tag has to come last.

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How to control the size of your Images

To do this all you have to do is add this into your image command:
width=whatever height=whatever
For example, here it is all together:
<img src="whatever.gif" width=50 height=50> 

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How to make text appear beside an image

Have you ever noticed that when you type beside an image the text only starts at the bottom of the pic and you end up with a big empty space? Well, this little addition to the image command will solve that problem:
align=right or align=left 
For example, here it is all together:
<img src="whatever.gif" height=50 width=50 align=right>

You don't need to have the height and width in there. This command will do this:
Hey.. this text is at the top and not the bottom. How convenient eh?

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How to make "freestyle" text

Making "freestyle"(in other words, text "as is") text is as easy as making it bold or italic. Here is the script:
Here you put your writing.
This way you can do whatever you want, write song lyrics without them turning into a paragraph, write words in list form, etc.

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How to make a link that opens a new browser Window

This is as easy as adding a command at the end of the link command. Here is the command:
For example, here it is all together:
<a href=" URL of place " target=body>

This will open a new window when you make a link, especially useful when making links in chats.

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How to make a Table

Tables are a more complicated command then most of the ones here. Here is the script for a table:
<table> <table border=4>







This would appear as:

To make a table with more than one column going down you need to add another tag:
<table> <table border=4>













Here is what this table would look like:

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How to make Forms

OK, forms are very complicated, they are easily equal if not harder than tables. Here is the first command:
<form method="post" action="mailto: your email address here">
Next you want to actually start your form:
First Name: <input name="first" type="text" size=12>
Last Name: <input name="last" type="text" size=12>

Email Address: <input name="address" type="text" size=30>


<textarea name="whatever" rows=5 cols=30> </textarea>

<select name="whatever" size=4> <option>choose me <option>choose me <option>choose me <option>choose me <option>choose me </select>

Now you want your buttons at the bottom of the form: <input type="Submit" value="Send it in"> <input type="reset" value="reset">

And then you need the closing tag: </form> This is what it would all look like:

First Name: Last Name:

Email Address:


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How to make Frames

Making frames is pretty complicated but not quite as hard as making forms. When you make a page with frames you actually dont have any writing or anything on that page. It's just kind of a reference page. Here is an example:

<FRAMESET COLS="50%,50%">
<frameset rows="50%,50%">
<FRAME src="//">
<FRAME src="//"> 

<frameset rows=50%,50%">
<frame src="//"> 
<frame src="//">

The first half up to the first </frameset> tag defines what goes on the left side and everything after that defines whats on the right side. The <frame src=""> tags tell whats in each frame. In this example there are 4 frames so there are four <frame src=""> tags. In the <frame src=""> tags you would fill in whatever the URL is of what you want in that frame. The page these frames would create is actually four different documents of HTML. Click here to see what this page will look like.

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How to get a counter in geocities

OK, a counter is usually the first thing you want to get on your page so here is how you get one in geocities (unfortunately this page is in geocities so I never bothered to find out how to get a counter elsewhere). First you have to go to (you fill in your membername and password where it says). Then you'll see a counter that says 1. Then you simply add the following script to your page wherever you want your counter to be:
<img src="/cgi-bin/counter/membername">

Of course you put your membername where it says "membername".

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How to get a guestbook

A guestbook is very useful and nifty and it makes your page pretty spiffy. Here is a link for you to follow to get yourself your very own guestbook:

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How to make Yahoo! Search

Making a Yahoo! search on your page has no real value or anything except that it makes your page spiffier. Here is the script:
<IMG src="//" ALT="Yahoo!" BORDER=0>

<FORM METHOD=GET action="">
<INPUT size=30 name=p> 
<INPUT type=submit value="Yahoo! Search">

Just copy and paste the above script for your very own Yahoo! search.

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How to make a Lycos search on your page

Like having a Yahoo! search, a Lycos search has no value except that it's a cool thing to have on your page. Here is the script, just copy and paste it:
<form action="" method=GET>
<input type=hidden name="backlink" value=1469>

<b>Query: <input type="text" name="query" size=40> <input type="submit" value="Search">

<b>Terms to Match:</b> <select name="matchmode">

    <option value="and">All (AND)
    <option selected value="or">Any (OR) 
<b>Number of Results:</b> 
     <select name="maxhits">
     <option selected value="10">10
     <option value="20">20 
     <option value="30">30
     <option value="40">40
     <option value="50">50


  <b>Output Level:</b>   <select name="terse"><option selected value="off">Verbose
  <option value="on">Terse</select>


Just copy and paste for your very own Lycos search.

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How to make Blinking Text

Making Blinking text is just like making bold text:

Your text here.

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What little text Commands Mean

There are a whole lot of little commands I've shown you but not explained. Here they are:
<p> - this is like hitting enter on the keyboard. It makes a space.

<br> - breaks a line (like a double space)

<b> </b> - these make text bold.

<i> </i> - these make text italic.

<u> </u> - these make text underlined.

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How to make search engines say what you want

Have you ever noticed that when you register in some search engines (such as lycos) you don't have an option to insert a page description? That's because when lycos spiders your page they use the first words in it. Well there is a way to change that. You have to insert the tag:

<meta name="description" content="here is what shows up in lycos">

This way when lycos spiders your page the description it gives will be whatever you wrote after the content="".

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How to make an "entry" page

OK, have you ever gone to a page that says something like "welcome to my page" and then suddenly enters the real page? Well that's an entry page. These are fairly easy to make.

When your page loads in a directory it automatically loads the index.html. That will be your entry page. To make it you simply design the page like you normally would (include something like "welcome".. make it load VERY quickly) and then add the tag:

<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT="1;URL=whichever URL your main page is">

Make sure this tag is added between you <head> & </head> tags. Also inbetween the <head> tags should be where your <title> tags are.

This will make it load your index.html and then quickly transfer to the URL you added after the URL=. If your main page is already your index.html then just copy the script for it and paste it to a new html document. Then delete the script off your index.html and create your "entry" page in it's place.

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How to make a TOC (table of contents)

As you may have noticed, this whole page is one LONG page. This was done for printing reasons and such. Anyway if you would like to know how to do that then here is what you do. First of all I'll explain how it works. All it is is a bunch of links that jump down the page. To do this you have to have sections and of course a table of contents. Here is the script:
<a name="toc">the name of your table of contents goes here </a>

Thats the first thing, you have to specify where the TOC is. To make a link back to the TOC you write:
<a href="#toc">to the top(or whatever else you want to write here)</a>

Thats a link back to whichever point you named "toc". Now the rest of the sections follow the same pattern:
<a href="#sec1">go to section one </a>

That is a link to a place called "sec1", now you have to make "sec1":
<a name="sec1>This is section one </a>

To sum it all up, you make sections by using the <a name=""> & </a> tags. Then you have to make links to them by making <a href="#"> & </a> tags. Simple?

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How to make background music play

Have you ever gone to a page and suddenly a song just started playing? Here is the script for how to do that:
<HR width="100%"></DD></CENTER>

Make sure you switch "blah.mid" with the name & URL of your sound that you want to play. Also, this won't work unless the sound you are trying to play has been uploaded to your account or you know the exact URL of the sound you want to play.

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Copyright 1997-98