This is a screen from the Seriously Tall Tower. This shot is taken from the ground floor of this 1000-foot structure.

















This is taken from midway  up the structure looking down upon 500-feet of twisted concrete, stairs, and platforms resembling something more from a M.C. Escher piece, rather than an enormous death match arena.


















Much like the last shot looked down from the midway point of the towering structure, this is an upward shot where the remaining climb to the top gets more and more complex as the elevation rises.



















Take a look at the size of Sam, and then take a look at his massive surroundings. There’s lots of room for all types of multiplayer mayhem.




















This map is in public beta, it is version 0.12, keep this site bookmarked and check back for updates on this map.

Please note that by downloading this file you are agreeing to the terms stated at the bottom of this page.


Date of release

June 11, 2003


Public Beta 0.12

Hours of work on level

32 hours





This picture shows a view from the second of three floors of the log cabin. Straight back you can see one wing with a small room underneath it. To the right you can see three floors of another wing. Also you can see the platforms that cross the arena on the different floor levels between the wings.














This shot is from the bottom floor underneath one of the wings. This provides ample coverage from potential attackers, and allows for many assault possibilities.





















The cabin also features a sniper’s perch from high atop the level; it’s great for picking off opponents down below, but it also is vulnerable to attacks from all sides as well.




















This map is in public beta, version 0.8, please keep this site bookmarked and check back for updates.

Please note that by downloading this file you are agreeing to the terms stated at the bottom of this page.


Date of Release

June 11, 2003


Public Beta 0.8

Hours of work on level

36 Hours






E-Mail Me with comments, questions, and suggestions


Here’s the pseudo-semi legalese for this site:


Serious Sam, Serious Engine, and all of their contents and components are © Croteam 1999-2003. Somewhere along the lines there is also properties of Take Two Interactive, The Gathering Of Developers, and quite possibly Gotham Games as well. This site has absolutely nothing to do with any of the aforementioned entities. The level maps, item placement, and anything not involved of the Serious Engine or Serious Sam game entities are © 2003 Michael Sweeney. If I catch you claiming this work as your own, well I will hunt you down like the dog that you are, and I will inflict some serious damage.


The maps contained on this site are not approved nor endorsed by Croteam, Take Two Interactive, The Gathering of Developers, or Gotham Games. These levels carry no warranties either expressed or implied and are to be used at the risk of the user. Any damages caused by the download, installation or removal process and use of this file are the responsibility of the end user. No entities involved in the creation of the levels including but not limited to Michael Sweeney and Psychedelic Entertainment, or those involved with the creation or distribution of the software, including but not limited to Take Two Interactive, Croteam, The Gathering of Developers, Gotham Games, or any Internet site where the files were obtained.


Maps in the Public Beta stage are still in development and can be changed. Public performance and publication are strictly prohibited without the prior consent of Michael Sweeney or from the offices of Psychedelic Entertainment LLC.


All screen captures used on this site are © 2003 Psychedelic Entertainment LLC, and may not be reproduced without consent of either the offices of Psychedelic Entertainment LLC or the designer of the levels, Michael Sweeney. If you are caught reproducing these pictures without consent, you better be doing something for me that the offices of Psychedelic Entertainment LLC can’t do, or else, yet again, you will be hunted down like the dog that you are.